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啊,那天是我媳婦的生日! Oh, It Was My Daughter-In-Law's Birthday!
2013/11/27 02:11:43瀏覽403|回應0|推薦17
我心愛的媳婦攝於2013年11月於我心愛的太平洋舊金山海邊車站 My beloved Abby at the S.F. Muni Station where my beloved San Francisco Ocean Beach locates
My beloved Abby on November 6th, 2013 at the S.F. Muni Station where my beloved San Francisco Ocean Beach locates
我心愛的兒子和他的妻子攝於2013年11月,在我心愛的舊金山海邊 My beloved son and his wife at my beloved Ocean Beach in November, 2013
My beloved son and his wife at my beloved San Francisco Ocean Beach on November 6th, 2013
Happy Birthday, "Daughter"!  Too bad we didn't have a picture of you that day. The good thing is that Calla is in the picture to represent you!
我親愛的媳婦兒和她的丈夫,攝於科羅拉多州她的生日那天 My beloved Daughter-in-law and her husband at Colorado on November 18th, 2013.  Happy Birthday, my beloved!
My beloved Daughter-in-law and her husband at Colorado on her birthday, November 18th, 2013 Happy Belated Birthday, Abby!  Mama ai ni!






生日快樂,Abby, 請接受媽媽的二度祝福!

Maybe it was because I've been waiting and preoccupied for the pictures of my parents' 95th birthday party, I totally forgot on the day of my daughter-in-law's birthday until today after I have received my parents' picture and after I have posted it on my blog yesterday.......

Good thing that I posted an blog article Just Because She Is Not My Own for her on her birthday last year........

Good thing that I bought her a nice birthday cake and celebrated while she was here 2 weeks ago.......

Good thing that......

Oh well.......

Happy Birthday, Abby, here is my 2nd and doubled blessings for you!

I love you!

PS.  Have you received the Gap gift card from Baba and me for your birthday?

(You may visit my other blog address to view my daughter-in-law's reply for me.)

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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