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我要向山舉目 As I Lifted Up My Eyes To The Mountains
2013/08/15 12:55:42瀏覽217|回應0|推薦1

兒子一家人開兩小時車送我到丹佛機場赴他姊姊家,於是,我從科羅拉多州再飛到阿布奎基市。 到了新墨西哥州,飛機將落地的剎那,機艙窗口出現了那矗立在沙漠與城市之間的散笛雅山脈; 我的心,不禁怦然而動.....

啊,怎能不愛這片山? 怎能忘懷這座城?


然而十八年前,因為丈夫在此城牧會,一次意外悲劇的發生、兩度陰差陽錯的誤會,讓我們一家人成了教會裏許多弟兄姊妹所恨惡的仇敵、凌虐的對象。 四年牧會期間,兒子、女兒、以及我自己都不斷地蒙辱受傷; 為了保護兩個孩子,我大病數場,又幾乎患了失眠症、抑鬱症......然而,一切發生的既是神所允許,祂必有祂神聖的旨意!



回到家,女兒抱著三個月大的老六在大門口相迎; 接著,小不點兒的五個哥哥們一齊擁上來抱住我、吱吱喳喳地耳旁不停:

「Grandma Lao Lao, we haven't seen you for a long time.....」

「It has been two months since we last saw you, Grandma Lao Lao....」

「We really missed you, Grandma Lao Lao..... 」


多麼珍惜這個重新建立起的屬神家庭,多麼感恩這個再次賜下給我的神國服事; 祂的信實與慈愛,真正令我不可思議!

從散笛雅山、安大略湖、直到太平洋畔的舊金山; 誠然,祂抹去了我的眼淚、除掉了我的奇辱、醫治了我的傷痕.....




My son and his family took me to the airport in Denver, so there I flew again to visit my daughter and her family in Albuquerque.

While the aircraft was landing at the airport, I saw through my little window the Sandia Mountains of New Mexico which stands in between the desert and the city; my heart started to ponder....

To make it precise, this is my second visit with my children in exactly two months.  Because I might start a new ministry in San Francisco as September begins, I thought I'd better take advantage of the month before, and spend some time with my children and grandchildren.

So here I am in Albuquerque.

Eighteen years ago, our whole family used to faithfully serve in the church of Albuquerque and our whole family was being terribly mistreated and even abused for the entire four years.

I am now so thankful for our rebuilt godly family as well as for the S.F. church ministry that God might be providing me with.  Yes, His faithfulness and His steadfast love is truly amazing to me!

From Sandia Mountains to Ontario Lake, from Toronto city to San Francisco, certainly He has removed ACBC's insults, wiped my tears, and healed my wounds.....

As I lifted up my eyes toward the Mountains, how can I not so love Him? How can I not so cry out:

Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord Who made heaven and earth and Who made me!

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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