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網路傳說底槽青 + (何出處底槽青圖4 5 6 ) Internet legend bottom groove Green + (bottom slot gre
2011/12/22 04:41:17瀏覽3058|回應0|推薦0

根據對岸說法,平常心想想還是如10年前先依年代、產別、胎色、茶滋、手感、變化 ... 分類從明、清、民初、早期、近期 …,把天青泥、甲子(假紫)泥、底槽青、清水泥,這4個泥料上手論述,會比網路眾說紛紜、亂槍打鳥、公正客觀,雖然已不復尋泥。





燒成溫度範圍較寬,一般燒成1180 ~ 1230度左右,縮率4%左右,
燒成紫紅色調,四號井底料嫩泥燒成溫度在1180 ~ 1220間,紫紅色調,胎質呈梨皮狀,砂質溫潤細膩,色澤效果較豐富,
老泥燒成溫度在1190 ~ 1240間,紫紅色調,胎質表明略顯乾澀,存留白色雲母碎片相對較多,外觀色澤純度稍差,兩種泥燒成溫度越高,顏色越深,由紫紅往棕色漸變。

燒成溫度範圍較寬,一般燒成1180 ~ 1230度左右,收縮率5%左右,
底料嫩泥含少量白色雲母碎片,燒成溫度在1180 ~ 1220間,紫紅色調,胎質呈梨皮狀,砂質溫潤細膩,色澤效果較豐富,
老泥燒成溫度在 1190 ~ 1240間,紫紅色調,胎質表明略顯乾澀,存留白色雲母碎片相對較多,外觀色澤純度稍差,兩種泥燒成溫度越高,顏色越深,由紫紅往紫棕色漸變。

燒成溫度範圍較寬,一般燒成1190 ~ 1230度左右,收縮率5%左右,
台西底料嫩泥含少量白色雲母碎片,較多較大淡青綠豆瓣狀,在1180 ~ 1220間燒成,紫紅色調,胎質呈梨皮狀,砂質溫潤細膩,色澤效果較豐富,一定高溫呈微暗青綠色調,
老泥較多白色雲母碎片,較少青綠豆斑,在1200 ~ 1240間燒成,紫紅色調,胎質表面較乾澀,存留白色雲母碎片較多,外觀色澤純度差,高溫顏色往深褐漸變。



底槽青聲名鵲起還是1980 年代紫砂市場興旺之後的事。關於始作俑者也有不同的說法,一是說擁有這種礦料的製泥人的炒作,一見某篇文章言近代製壺泰斗顧景舟最鍾愛這種泥料。無論如何,制壺的,特別是賣壺的,號稱紫色比較純正的紫砂壺都是底槽青做的,這在丁山絕無例外,因為底槽青已經是高價格的代名詞。




底槽青沒那麼多,也沒那麼神秘。關於低槽青的神話不過是為了多賺錢而編造的謊言,這個謊言如此真實,以至於原來棄之不用的底槽青礦料突然雞犬升天,特別是四號井底槽青,只用來和普通紫泥一起拼用(底槽青一般是25-60% 不等),冒充底槽青。




    原料名稱  化學成分(%) 
               Tfe Fe2O3 TAL AL2O3 Tsi SiO2 
   紫泥       6.222 8.895 4.418 9.145 36.26 77.59 
    老底槽青   8.67 12.38 7.37 15.25 27.98 59.87 
    中底槽青   7.892 11.27 5.56 11.5 28.08 60.11 
    嫩底槽青   6.986 9.98 5.645 11.68 33.3 71.25 
    本山綠泥   0.809 1.155 6.175 12.78 39.47 84.45 
    4#底槽青   8.5 12.14 5.04 10.43 32.16 68.81 
    4#紫泥     5.519 7.884 5.095 10.54 35.91 76.83 
    甲泥       5.905 8.475 6.655 13.775 36.9 79.03 
    湖父底槽青 7.635 10.9 4.735 9.801 31.78 68.01 

(一) 從泥料的形成看: 
根據前人的觀測,紫砂礦中石英 顆粒呈次棱角的砂粒狀,說明是由於流水作用形成的。由於礦物沉積過程發生沉積分異作用,當流速減小時,水中重礦物總比同樣大小的輕物先沉澱,同一種礦物總是粗粒先沉積下來,球形比片狀的更容易沉澱。另外,材質密度Fe2O3>SiO2>Al2O3,在沈積岩形成的過程中,同一層次中含鐵高的材質,顆粒沉得深下,而含鐵質低的在上層。故而有老中嫩底槽青之分。

(二) 從燒成角度看: 
本山綠泥的耐火度,高出其他各種 泥料。故而本山綠泥的坯放在一般窖中不易燒成。

(三) 製作工藝上: 

( 數百年來,千頭萬緒,理萬青絲,至少已經撰文了,靜待佳音吧 ^^ )

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Internet legend bottom groove Green + (bottom slot green where Figure 456) 
Just normal to think about the other side of the argument, or if 10 years ago, first in chronological production, tire color, tea, mayonnaise, feel, change ... Category from the Ming and Qing, the Republic of China, early, the recent ... days Qingni , the Jiazi (fake purple) mud bottom slot green, clear cement, four mud started discussion of different opinions than the network blunderbus, fair and objective, although no longer look for the mud. 

According to Internet legend: 
Trough the end of green, a few years fried hot mud, which also leads to what slots blue, slot-Green, head trough green, but if the bottom slot, said Green has a clear definition of the slot Green head slot green unintelligible, presumably to the seller, do rely on it to the bottom slot green here. 

Similar red sandalwood is relatively expensive, in order to sell a good price, there are a variety of sandalwood, what gold sandalwood, green sandalwood, ebony class, some of sandalwood are they and sandalwood not much relationship. 

Bottom slot green is purple class than the pure species, the ore less, usually in the bottom of the purple clay layer, it said the end of slot green. 
According to the depth of the soil layers, the bottom slot green old, tender points, more old white mica fragments were relatively more green beans porphyritic (commonly known as corn, cat's eye) will be smaller, the less, the older, the heavier sand forming more loose, and the relative refractoriness higher the smaller the shrinkage, according to the mining of soil layers, the bottom material, appearance, texture, the aggravation color effects after firing are not the same. 

THS bottom end of material trough green according to the mining area can be divided into the fourth bottom of the well slots green V bottom of the well slots Green, THS mining area at the end of the slot Green Lake parent A muddy bottom slot Green Lake parent origin have been classified in Zhejiang Changxing a. 

Fourth bottom of the well slots green mineral aggregate 
Dense block the appearance of purple-brown, hard, a certain amount of white mica fragments, 
Mineral aggregate, green beans porphyritic, cooked mud plasticity in general, slightly loose molding production with sand 
Firing a wide temperature range, generally firing around 1180 ~ 1230 degrees for about 4% of shrinkage, 
After firing was purple tone, and aggravation was fine skins like fine oily, sandy color, pure, calm, 
Can be divided into soft mud old mud 
Firing purple tone, fourth bottom of the well material soft mud firing temperature of 1180 to 1220, the purple tone, and aggravation was the skins like, sandy moist and delicate, color rich, 
Old clay firing temperature of 1190 to 1240, purple tone, the aggravation indicate that slightly dry, retained relatively more white mica fragments, the appearance and color purity somewhat less, the two kinds of clay, and the higher the firing temperature, the darker the purple to brown gradient. 

V bottom of the well slots green mineral aggregate 
Dense block the appearance of purple-brown, hard, with a certain amount of white mica debris, 
Mineral aggregate, green beans porphyritic cooked mud plasticity in general, slightly loose molding production with sand 
Firing a wide temperature range, generally firing around 1180 ~ 1230 degrees, about 5% of shrinkage, 
After firing was purple tone, the aggravation was rough skins like, indicating that the particle clouds raised, color, 
Can be divided into soft mud and the old mud 
The end of the expected soft mud containing a small amount of white mica fragments, the firing temperature from 1180 to 1220, the purple tone, the aggravation was the skins like, sandy moist and delicate, color rich, 
Old clay firing temperature of 1190 to 1240, purple tone, the aggravation indicate that slightly dry, retained relatively more white mica fragments, the appearance and color purity somewhat less, the two kinds of clay, and the higher the firing temperature, the darker the purple gradient to purple brown. 

Taihsi mining area at the end of slot green ore open pit material 
Dense block the appearance of purple-brown, hard, with a certain amount of white mica debris, 
Mineral aggregate, green beans porphyritic cooked mud plasticity in general, slightly loose molding production with sand 
Firing a wide temperature range, generally firing about 1190 to 1230 degrees, about 5% shrinkage, 
After firing was purple tone, the aggravation was rough skins like, indicating that the particle clouds raised, color, 
Can be divided into soft mud and the old mud 
THS end of the expected soft mud containing a small amount of white mica fragments, more large pale green watercress-like, firing from 1180 to 1220, the purple tone, aggravation was the skins like, sandy moist and delicate, color rich, we must The high temperature was dusky green hue, 
More white mica fragments of old mud, less green mung bean spot, firing from 1200 to 1240, purple tone the aggravation surface than the dry, retention of white mica fragments more, appearance and color purity, high temperature color to dark brown gradient. 

Lake parent end of the trough green mineral aggregate dense block the appearance of purple-brown, hard, rarely white mica fragments, mineral aggregate, light red, yellow, light green, dark red beans porphyritic surface dull red and yellow like cooked mud poor plasticity, not forming a separate, higher firing temperature range generally more than 1200, about 2.5% of shrinkage, firing, pink to purple-red tone, aggravation loose, dry surface, black spots of certain impurities, appearance and color compared with a single dark, now the market this end. 

Reproduced on the bottom groove green real lies 
The bottom slot green, natural magic in the ground to suppress to the bottom of the purple clay, on the ground to be respected by the industry for the highest Everest. 
In fact, this is a true purple industry lies one. 
There are several versions of the origin of the name of the bottom groove Green.Comparative research, I think the most credible argument is that because the lowest part of the distribution in each layer of purple clay, hence the saying "the end"; mineral aggregate mined colors with the southern building materials like brick raw material "green soap" approximate. The din dialect "soap", "slot", regardless, so this mud mining people, commonly known as "the end of slot Youth. 

Bottom slot green after the fame Yixing market boom in the 1980s. There are different versions on the initiator, the One is said to have the hype of making clay figurine of this mineral aggregate, saw an article the words of modern potter dean Gu Jingzhou favorite mud. In any case, the potter, in particular, to sell pot, known as the Purple relatively pure Teapot are the end of the trough young to do in the din without exception, because the bottom groove Green has been synonymous with high prices. 

Some of them did not mean to lie to you, they really thought so. Potter, trafficking in pot, very few people understand the mud, because it is a purple industry is the most complex knowledge requires not only the opportunity also interested in more need of wisdom. 

Din in the Taihu Lake in the West Bank, and geological formations are sedimentary rocks. Layer deposited on the low-lying, so weathered rock silt under the action of the wind to move, and water in low areas deposited, after many geological century. But in each layer, the high iron content, heavy, irregular shape (not easy to scroll), particles must first deposition, while those containing organic compounds (such as animal and plant bodies of the resultant corruption) will be deposited particles because the proportion of light at the surface. Thus, the distribution of purple ore showing the upper organic ingredients, less iron, the underlying organic ingredients, iron the law. Organic ingredients rich in low melting point of potassium, sodium, calcium composition (rich in these organisms, it is also a clay characteristics), the plasticity of these organic mud and firing temperature has a significant impact. Located at the bottom of the purple clay, high iron content, organic matter, so the mud dry and prone to fracture in the production and firing. But because of the low melting point of less organic matter, so eat a high-temperature, broad sintering temperature. Pot artist will generally be good to do good burn distributed in the upper purple clay called soft mud, the bad, bad burn, located in the bottom of the purple clay known as the old mud. The old mud is not good for a bad burn, but the play maker but like to eat warm and Zhou Zheng, purple color gives a thick solemn feeling. However, the same heavy and solemn sense of the firing temperature and reach pot artist reluctant to use the bottom slot Qingni material potter, before GU Jingzhou, bottom slot Youth generally be regarded as sub-material. Mud sintering in the ventilation in terms of strengths. 

If the bottom slot Green is named in accordance with the characteristics of geological structure, the bottom of each layer of purple purple can be called the end of slot green; named in accordance with the celebrity bottom groove Green, that the bottom slot green only produced in the fourth well, Gu Jingzhou. only the bottom of the fourth well beloved purple. But today, talking about the purple described themselves as the end of the slot blue, as if the bottom slot green everywhere. There are people who write books say not only in Huanglong Mountain bottom groove Green, D Lake parent, Changxing, Zhejiang Province also has a bottom slot green. 

The bottom slot is not so much green and not so mysterious. Myth about low trough green, but to earn more money and fabricated lies, the lie is so real, so that the original abandoned at the end slot green mineral aggregate suddenly kilometers from heaven, especially the fourth bottom of the well slots green, only to be used and the general purple to fight (the bottom slot Green is generally 25-60%), posing as the end of slot Green. 

Distinguish between the bottom slot the green, not only the color after sintering, but depends on whether the bottom slot green unique pear sticks (a bit like a purple crepe paper card). Look at the pot to see inside the cover, to identify the end of the slot Qingni material is also true (as this part of the pot artist most likely to ignore but to play the pot most likely to fine discernible, which is the exclusive secrets), but this requires experience, difficult to explain in words, but also difficult to sense. 

I (Author: Miao Road Yixing) more than in September din rushing, visited thousands of at least hundreds of merchants, only seen a pure fourth bottom of the well slots green firing works, or a cup; to get to know pug in more than a dozen, the bottom groove green mineral aggregate have seen (that took a lot), but do everything possible, brains, but from three system mud Amoy to three a total of not more than ten pounds of fully mastering the pure The fourth the the bottomhole slot Qingni, or known. Three mud, has also always reluctant to do (can not find suitable work hand, worried about the general work hand to do bad). Well, make sure to take good photos to supplement the text, to our pot Friends of the anti-flicker of need. 

Again, the authentic purple clay, and then ever more exciting. 

Since ancient times, what we call the purple clay from Huanglong Mountain, in recent years because of the prices of mining costs, the purple clay mined, the amount of increase, people began to use the Huanglong Mountain Mud Lake parent Purple mud to be an alternative. Recently, we have from which to take several samples, generally made the Determination of the basic elements listed below: 
Raw materials, the name of the chemical composition (%) 
Tfe of Fe2O3 TAL for of AL2O3 Tsi SiO2 
Purple 6.222 8.895 4.418 9.145 36.26 77.59 
Tell your groove Green 8.67 12.38 7.37 15.25 27.98 59.87 
In the bottom slot green 7.892 11.27 5.56 11.5 28.08 60.11 
Tender the bottom slot green 6.986 9.98 5.645 11.68 33.3 71.25 
The Green Mountain Mud 0.809 1.155 6.175 12.78 39.47 84.45 
The end of slot 4 Youth 8.5 12.14 5.04 10.43 32.16 68.81 
4 # purple 5.519 7.884 5.095 10.54 35.91 76.83 
A mud 5.905 8.475 6.655 13.775 36.9 79.03 
The end of the slot Green Lake parent 7.635 10.9 4.735 9.801 31.78 68.01 

Note: 1, Huanglong Mountain mine standard provided by the the THS mine Mr. Chen Wei, 4 # Yixing factory workshop materials. 
2, analysis of experiments by the Department of Chemistry, Chongqing Normal University Professor Sun Jinyuan assist in the completion 
Table we can see that: 
(A) the formation of mud: 
According to previous observations, the purple clay ore in the quartz grains were subangular sand-like formation due to fluvial action. Because the mineral deposition process, Shen integral differentiation, when the flow rate decreases, the light material of the same size of heavy minerals in water than the first precipitation with a mineral always coarse deposited spherical more easily than the flaky precipitation. In addition, the material density of Fe2O3> SiO2> of Al2O3, in the process of the formation of sedimentary rock, the same level of high iron content of the material, particle sink deep, containing iron and low in the upper. Therefore there are old in the tender bottom slot green points. 

(B) from the firing angle: 
The bottom slot green after firing, in terms of the relative purple due to the high iron purple, while the bottom slot Green is the deeper and more purple. 
The relative fire resistance of the 4 wells purple due to the different content of Al, higher than the Huanglong Mountain, the more deep refractoriness The higher the bottom groove Green, the father of the lake is even worse. 
Refractoriness of the Green Mountain Mud higher than other kinds of mud.Therefore the green clay of the mountain billet placed general cellar, not firing. 
Purple resistance or degree less than the end of the slot blue, more suitable for general kiln fire temperature. 
The father of the lake bottom slot green due to iron content close to the Huanglong Mountain in the slot Green, the content of Al is much lower than in the slot clear refractoriness poor relatively Lake parent end of slot green is really not as good as the Huanglong Mountain, why most people respected the 4th bottom of the well slots green reasons. 

(C) the production process: 
Quartz containing more green mud of the mountain, the contraction of the green body, the adsorbed water is relatively high side, in the volatile process caused by the green body to shrink large, which is usually called mud "burst". The end of slot young the older the better, the smaller the contraction, is conducive to the production. (Lap-Chee Tsui) 

(Hundreds of years, a multitude of things, management, black hair, at least has been the author, and wait for good news ^ ^) 

Analytical collection of cultural relics collectors phenomenon + (Ho trough the end of the source Youth Figure 123) 
The bottom slot in the network legend green + (Ho trough the end of the source green in Figure 456) 
Green Figure, the number of Zhen He the source end of slot 789 ... 

( 興趣嗜好收藏 )
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