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2024/02/13 05:27:13瀏覽670|回應0|推薦5 | |
阿罩霧開心農場的花花世界:草莓開花、茄子花、柳丁花、蔥花、桂花。 炮仗黃剛剛開始 草莓 茄子開花 彎彎的茄子 蔥花 柳丁開花 百香果 木瓜 鳳梨 桃花心木的裂果 種子是有翅膀的翅果 可以飛到很遠的地方 梅花 桂花巷的桂花 飄著淡淡的桂花香 橄欖 芒果開花 Autumn Leaves (1999 Remastered) The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold I see your lips, the summer kisses The sun-burned hands I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon Ill hear old winters song But I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall Since you went away the days grow long And soon Ill hear old winters song But I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvmZpCIM88M 這首經典爵士情歌的法文原名為“Les Feuilles Mortes”(意指「枯葉」),是1946年法國電影《夜之門》(Les Portes de la Nuit)的插曲,歌詞是由法國詩人兼劇作家普雷維爾(Jacques Prévert, 1900-1977)所撰寫的,感人的曲調則由匈牙利裔法國作曲家寇斯瑪(Joseph Kosma, 1905-1969)所創作。1950年美國作曲家莫瑟(Johnny Mercer, 1909-1976)將這首歌的歌詞改寫成英文版的“Autumn Leaves”《秋葉》,藉著秋天時窗外的落葉,回憶起往日情懷。 |
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