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Tony Orlando & Dawn - Knock Three Times (1970 HD 720p) 

Hey girl what you doing down there

Dancing alone every night while I live right above you

I can hear your music playing

I can feel your body swaying

One floor below me you dont even know me
I love you

Oh my darling knock three times on the ceiling if you want me

Twice on the pipe if the answer is no

Oh my sweetness (knock)

Means youll meet me in the hallway

Oh twice on the pipe means you aint gonna show

If you look out your window tonight

Pull in the string with the note thats attached to my heart

Read how many times I saw you

How in my silence I adored you

Only in my dreams did that wall between us come apart

Oh my darling knock three times on the ceiling if you want me

Twice on the pipe if the answer is no

Oh my sweetness (knock)

Means youll meet me in the hallway

Oh twice on the pipe means you aint gonna show

Oh I can hear the music playing

I can feel your body swaying

One floor below me you dont even know me

I love you

Oh my darling knock three times on the ceiling if you want me

Oh twice on the pipe if the answer is no

Oh my sweetness (knock)

Means youll meet me in the hallway

Twice on the pipe means you aint gonna show


“敲三下”起源於代幣。1970 年 5 月,Tokens 成員 Hank Medress 和他的商業夥伴 Dave Appell 製作了第一首 Dawn 歌曲“Candida”。會議音樂家和一些 Tokens 成員在賽道上唱歌和打鼓。Medress不喜歡主唱的聲音,並用他的朋友Tony Orlando取代了他,Tony Orlando在1961年演唱了“Bless You”和“Halfway to Paradise”,取得了有限的成功。到1970年,奧蘭多放棄了自己的歌唱生涯,在哥倫比亞唱片公司的子公司April-Blackwood Music擔任高管。他希望得到晉陞,這讓他擔心他為競爭對手貝爾唱片公司錄製人聲時固有的利益衝突,所以他只同意匿名唱歌。“Candida”原來是一首熱門歌曲,貝爾要求奧蘭多匿名唱另一首曲子。黎明當時並不是一個真正的音樂團體;之所以選擇這個名字,是因為貝爾唱片公司高管史蒂夫·瓦克斯(Steve Wax)有一個名叫麗莎·道恩·瓦克斯(Lisa Dawn Wax)的女兒。[

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