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2010/11/10 15:42:46瀏覽960|回應0|推薦16 | |
看書..那天自文章中看的文字很美.... the adventure of life is to learn . the purpose of life is to grow . the nature of life is to change . the challange of life is to overcome . the essence of life is to care . the opportnuity of life is to serve . the secret of life is to dare . the spice of life is to befriend . the beauty of life is to give . the joy of life is to love .. . share with you , my friends ... (以上文章 是採自書中但不好意思 已是多年前的日記中寫著.. 今天讀來更加深刻...如有違反著作權 請告訴一定立刻刪除 ) |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |