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for my wife
2008/02/14 13:28:17瀏覽242|回應0|推薦0

there is one card mentioned that

    For My Wife  on the first Valentine Day

          when I was in the Army..and she took 4 hours bus

                  to my place to see me....

             I will never forget that day .....


                 We've been married a long time

         Now we spwak more

                of home repair than romance.

        When we talk about being hot,

               it's usually a thermostat thing  .

        Candlelight means

             there's a power failure ,

       and a great night in bed

              usually means we managed

              to get some sleep


         But in the midest

                       of the humdrum ,

             I catch a look at your eyes,

       and see the eyes of the one I fell in love with ..........................

 And in your voice

              I still hear the whispers

      of someone newly in love,

     in your hands, I feel the caress

           that has always made me melt ,

    Life isn't always fun or exciting  

                                or wonderful................

                       But you are......

      now I sms to her mobile to show how much I love her

                    she only send to me

                                YOU ARE THE ONE I LOVE MOST ..

                                                for our 25 Valentine Days ...


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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