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中華總會報稅圓滿結束 (新聞稿草稿)
2014/04/17 11:00:10瀏覽634|回應0|推薦62

今年的報稅服務已於上周六, 412日圓滿結束.

感謝僑教中心的協辦, 中華總會今年服務了270(個人或家庭), 完成了他們報稅的義務. 其中還包括了2010, 2011, 2012的稅表. 服務的對象有華裔, 韓裔, 日裔, 越南裔, 西裔, 貝里斯裔, 非裔等等.

志工們可以說多種語言, 是我們可以擴大服務對象的助力. 多位志工都有多年的經驗, 其中有位不懂華文的巴基斯坦裔志工, 已經在中華總會的服務站服務了三年. 可以看出中華總會的報稅服務已經由亞裔社區漸漸跨出步子, 融入本土社區裡.


This year's tax service offered by CCFA was ended last Saturday, April 12, 2014, with a great success.

Thanks to the OCAC’s facility support, which enhanced CCFA to reach out and provide tax service to the needed taxpayers. This year, CCFA Tax Service Team served a total of 270 individuals and/or families to complete their filing obligations which also includes some 2010, 2011, and 2012 tax returns.

The population came for services are Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Hispanics, Belize-American, African-American, and so on.

Volunteers speak multiple languages which enable the team to help not only Americans but mostly those who are English less proficiency. Many volunteers have years of experience. One of them is a Pakistan-American, who doesn’t understand Chinese, but has been in CCFA VITA Site for three years. He specializes in Foreign Student, Scholar and Researcher, non-resident tax returns, which benefits many non-resident taxpayers.

We are glad that CCFA Tax Service Team has gradually taken the steps from the Asian community into the local community. CCFA is also grateful for the support of the community.

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