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2011/12/10 01:24:58瀏覽1096|回應0|推薦0 | |
Onanism 也有masturbation(手淫, 自慰)之意。但是 它還有另外一種意思, 就是男性射精(ejaculation,這個字 還有特殊涵意, 指由若干句組成的祈禱, 真絕)前嘗試中斷性交。 所以, Tom Hedgkinson 所寫 " You can imagine the huge burden of guilt everyone must have been carrying with them as a result of the moral campaign against the sin of onanism,) 當然是指自慰乃是罪大惡極了。為什麼呢?這應 該與鞭韃同性戀是雷同的, 因為該兩種行為都不具生殖功能 (non-reproductive)。" At the root of the opposition to "useless" sex was the new practical approach to life which saw sex as a useful for the production of children and nothing more. Pleasure for its own sake was forbidden." 這種落伍又駭人的觀點, 絕對讓現代人覺得不可思議。 正因為人類曾經歷如此摧殘人性的時代, Hadgkinson 才寫道 " In the modern west we like to congratulate ourselves on having a more open-minded attitude to sex." (現代的西方世界, 頗慶幸擁有開放的性 態度。) 他更提出 " Hard work and healthy sex: those are the pillars of the mainstream American economy."(努力工作與健全的性乃是 美國經濟的兩大支柱。) 相較於 Dr. Johnson 說 fucking and drinking 乃人生至樂, 實有異曲同工之處。為何這樣說呢?因為 Hedgkinson 接著 提何謂 idle sex? 對於性本身的感受, 每個人的偏好歧異應該甚大, 他點出 " And idle sex should be languid. Men are characterized as wanting to get straight to the point when it comes to intercourse, and women complain that all men want to is thrust in it." (在電影Sleeping Beauty 中, 插入用的字是 "penetrate")這種論點蠻多人聽過, 但是接著他又說 " People criticize drunken sex but in my experience it tends to be better than sober sex." 原因何在?恐怕不需把Hadgkinson的話當一回事, 個人自己去體驗吧! |
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