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2010/10/08 11:58:32瀏覽982|回應0|推薦9

       加強聽力, 提昇英語說得流利的第二種方法是多用DVD。這方法絕對耗時間(time consuming), 卻不會浪費時間。不少人知道 Rome was not built in a day. 也對“有恆為成功之本” (Constancy is the secret of success.)耳熟能詳。卻鮮少人能真正持之以恆, 聚沙成塔。自古以來(from time immemorial) 發明創新不斷, 然而學習始終很難抄捷徑(so, there is no shortcut in learning English.), 個人聰明才智不算, 儘管學習方法推陳出新, 勤奮努力仍是不二法門。今日資訊已到爆炸的地步, 學習語言的方法五花八門, 資料汗牛充棟, 奇怪的是, 學生普遍英文程度並未顯著提昇, 事實就是他們壓根兒就沒花時間下去, 那有可能學好?重點其實是因為要做到 “Put knowledge into action.” , 也就是說, 把英語說得流利是ㄧ種技能(skill), 一種動作(action), 不僅只是知識(knowledge)而已。

        看DVD影片很容易, 但是要用得巧妙有效才是良法。建議以15分鐘的片段, 先用有中文字幕(subtitle)的方式觀看, 了解其大意(First, watch the scene with subtitles in your language.  This will help you understand the general meaning.), 其次, 改換成英文字幕, 遇到不懂的部份就停格, 不懂的字就查字典,記筆記(Second, watch the scene with English subtitles.   Pause. Use a dictionary to find new words you don’t understand.  Write the new sentences in a notebook), 然後仍以英文字幕的方式聽幾遍, 但不要停格, 最後消除字幕, 聽個幾遍, 整個過程可以持續一週。是不是耗時間? 當然, 別忘了, 天下沒有白吃的午餐(There is no such thing as a free lunch.)。

         DVD 影片因為有生動的畫面與情節, 自然較有趣, 但是不斷重複的方式, 也可能使學習者失去耐心, 甚至失去學習重心(忘了是在學習英語), 但卻是非要走的路不可。
         學習素材會像下面這二段對白(Brothers and Sisters):

    A:      You are just trying to control an uncontrollable situation.

     B:     Because the unknown is always disturbing than the reality.

     A:     I was mean and vindictive. This time I’m trying to do the right thing.

     B:     Like when you invited Dad’s mistress over and then you outted her?  No, No.


     A:     Whatever they need, I want you to run it through my account, OK?

             I just talked to Gary. I told them I want to cover the expenses.

     B:      It’s fine. Is there anything we need to do that we haven’t thought of?

          只是電影畢竟是斧鑿的創作, 選片當然就很重要了。劇情片自然較為理想。
( 知識學習語言 )
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2014/09/25 07:39 【udn】 這裡更低價!不白 流利 英語 英文比價