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2010/10/07 23:36:44瀏覽1302|回應0|推薦7

                               Michael Hoey 教授說過“ Even if you read English well and have a good vocabulary you may still encounter difficulties in conversation.” 別懷疑, 的確如此, 因為說好英語與朗讀英文是不同的技能, 這種說法頗值得注意, 因為學講英語的方法當中, 過度花時間於文法與字彙恐怕不見得有助於把英語說得流利,重點仍在練習, 練習。 所以有學者寫道 “ Up to now your study of English has probably focused on the study of English grammar and vocabulary. You already know quite a lot about what the rules of English grammar are, and how sentences are formed in English. This knowledge provides an important foundation for you to use in learning to speak and understand English. But the study of English grammar by itself will not enable you to speak English fluently. In order to develop conversational and listening skills you need practice in these skills.” 這段文字真是太重要了, 不少大學畢業生, 考試文法一級棒, 說起英語卻挺不靈光,文法也經常犯十分簡單的繆誤, 問題到底出在那裡?就是沒有練習講呀!

          如果把英語說得流利是溝通最重要的目標之一, 那先要了解何謂流利(fluency)?應該是“Fluency is the ability to speak (and understand) English quickly and easily without translation.
 換句話說, Fluency means you can talk easily with native speakers-- they easily understand you, and you easily understand them.  In fact, you speak and understand instantly. 也就是說, 你要運用英語自如, 更能輕易聽懂操母語人士的話。當然就是說聽無礙。

                那麼竅門在哪裡呢?這可以開放討論, 先題一說。
Listening Is The Key. 聽力的培養才是重點。而 “a lot of understandable repetitive listening” 是練習的核心, 格外注意要能聽懂才有用, 有些人愛聽ICRT卻根本聽不太懂, 效果當然很差, To be a fantastic English speaker, you must :
Learn English with your ears,
      not with your eyes.
      In other words, you must listen.
      Your ears are the key
      to excellent speaking.

                這挺像學唱歌先要學聽歌, 欣賞歌。所以先介紹一個聽英文的好網站 VOA (Voice Of America) 網址是 http://www.voanews.com “ 美國之音” (Voice Of America)有何特點呢?Three Elements Make VOA Special English Unique:

 (1) 只用1500個核心字, 大部份是簡單, 描寫事物, 行動或情感, 但也有些較難的字, 如報導世界性事件,醫學與科學的發現等 (It has a core vocabulary of 1500 words.
     most are simple words that describe objects,
     actions or emotions.  Some words are more difficult.
     they are used for reporting world events and describing
     discoveries in medicine and science. )

(2) 專門的英文作家用簡短, 簡單的文句(一句只包含一個概念), 而且用主動句, 不用成語。(Special English writers use short, simple sentences that  contain only one idea. They use active voice.They do not use idioms.)

 (3) 廣播用一般標準英語三分之二的速度(Special English broadcasters  read at a slower pace, about two-thirds the speed of standard English.)

         這網頁對操母語人士也會有裨益的, 尤其對於複雜事物(This helps people learning    English hear each word clearly. It also helps people who are fluent English speakers understand  complex subjects.)
( 知識學習語言 )
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