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2010/10/05 16:08:05瀏覽2356|回應0|推薦6

           我每天都在想如何能使英語能力精進, 就像 Norman Lewis 在他那本“Instant Word Power” 所寫“ No one is perfect, and true learning results from trial and error.” 這句話的真髓就是“ Make errors and correct them!”.

          但是英語能力的精進仍須靠蹲馬步的功夫。你當然不可能靠自己發明創造文字的使用, 重點在學習語言正確的用法, 不論是寫作或是說話, 不斷學自己不會說的英語, 寫自己不會表達的正確句子, 當然要改掉錯誤的部份, 然後服膺“ Practice makes perfect.” 這個亙古不變的法則。其中最重要的工作應該是字彙的增進吧! Norman Lewis 也引用學術界的發現 “Students with rich vocabularies not only get higher grades in college but also are more successful in their late careers than those who score low in verbal tests.” 不僅如此, 那些格外注重吸收新知新字的大一生更是收穫較豐碩, “ First-year college students who take classes that concentrate on improving their knowledge of English words do better in their sophomore, junior, and senior years than those of equal intelligence who do not receive such training.”

          當然, 增加英文字彙的不二法門自然是廣泛閱讀了, “There is no better way, over the long term, of enriching your vocabulary than by reading--- reading more, much more, than you have read in the past, reading anything and everything: newspapers, magazines,books, religious publications, cereal boxes, financial reports, self-improvement manuals, 任何讓你感興趣的東西都行(Whatever turns you on.) 其中最要推崇的當然是書啦, 找到好的作者, 找到好字甚至據為己有(you can steal for your personal usage), 使自己成為“logokleptomaniac” (ene who has an irresistible compulsion to steal words.), 相信字彙將以驚人的速度增進。

         近日讀書雖較慢, 主要花時間在 “ Spoken American English”上, 這套24冊的口語英語實在不易紮實吸收,但持之以恆也會逐漸感到成果,如果到達 “the new words or the new sentences will seem so familiar to you that you will have the illusion that you have known them all your life; will begin to see those words and sentences in all the reading you do, and you will find yourself using the words in your own speaking and writing.” 那應該就是英語能力精進的表徵吧!讀Dale Carnegie 的 “ How to develop self-confidence & influence people by public speaking” 提到用詩做演講結尾的力道:

     “ Seasons may come and seasons may go,    
        Everything withers in due course, you know,
        But there still one thing blooms as fresh as the dew,
        That is the love and affection I still have for you.”

    真的很讚, 如果 fit the personality 又 fit the tenor of your talk, 自然會使餘韻盪氣迴腸, 語言的力量更是發揮得淋漓盡致。


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the  courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
                      ~Alcoholics Anonymous~

“ 請賜給我接受

Grow old along with me,
The best is yet to be,
The last of life
For which the first was made.
                                  ~Robert Browning~

          有位作家說過, 某種程度而言, 你將有形形色色的觀眾 (To some extent, your audiences will vary.) 那就再引述一首讓青春綻放的詩:

 “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.”
~塞繆爾‧厄爾曼(Samuel Ullman)~
( 知識學習語言 )
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