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2010/07/17 14:05:39瀏覽825|回應0|推薦1 | |
英語聽力所以困難, 主要有兩大原因, (1) 同一件事, 說法可以有很多種, 聽者未必均懂, (2) 說話者口音含糊, 甚至發音不準確。 對於第一種困難, 只要多聽多學習便可迎刃而解, 然而第二種困難, 筆者即使十分專注, 仍無法聽懂那模糊的口音, 至今仍無法克服, 頗為懊惱。 前文才學過別說風涼話(No sarcastic remarks), 我忍不住又想發洩一番, 誰叫我要學標準的美語? 記得多年前與同事一同赴馬來西亞 參加國際會議發表論文, 一位印度教授問我問題, 我完全束手無策, 幸好那位澳洲籍女主席聽懂問題, 代為轉述, 解決了尷尬的局面。 印度人的英語非常不易暸解是事實, 但是常在新聞訪問一些人時, 往往也抓不住他們表達的想法, 口音含糊實在傷腦筋。 這問題到底要如何解決呢? 什麼多讀, 多聽, 多說, 多寫恐怕全是口號, 重點在如何“多”, 換句話說, 應該有好的方法搭配這個“多“吧! 個人認為如果聽不懂內容, 再多聽也是枉然, 所以當你聽不懂時, 應該要去閱讀文本, 然後再聽,直到聽懂為止。 “It took about a century for the technology to become good enough that listening to the recording was nearly as good as hearing the music alive.” 原來人類大約花了整整一個世紀 才發展出能幾乎呈現原音的成熟錄音技術, 而1877 年愛迪生發明留聲機之際, 人們才開始有再聽原來聲音的機會, 所以各位一定無法體會, 能以今日之方式欣賞音樂是何等幸福之事! 現今錄音技術已相當成熟, 英語聽力的訓練亦頗仰賴於此, 重複聽與摹仿說更是學好英語的不二法門, 臨場練習說英語絕對是成功的要件, Practice makes perfect. 這句 cliches (老掉牙的話) 又有多少人能真正篤實踐履? 那大家來練習以下的句子: She was cut to the quick by his cruel, biting remark about her weight. (cut to the quick=deeply hurt) biting remark 係刻薄話 I have been hurt enough without having this woman flaunting it in front of my family and friends. (這句話是說, 即使這女人不在 我親友面前囂張炫耀 我都覺得受夠傷害了) Making that insensitive remark was like rubbing salt in my wounds. (說那種無情話就像在我傷口上搓鹽巴) You really hit a sore spot when you started probing about Karen’s divorce. (sore spot 痛點 指敏感話題--- touchy subject; sensitive topic.) I’m sorry I touched a soft spot, I wouldn’t bring it up again. A lie from my best friend would go through my heart like a bullet. You have no idea what I’ve gone through. You’ve brought me nothing but pain. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re my good friend and I hate to see you killing yourself. (如 Having your feelings hurt , leave behind emotional scars, working too hard, ruining your health) Don’t worry about hurting Lisa’s feelings. She’s as thick-skinned as they come. (thick-skinned 指厚臉皮 當然也可用 thin-skinned 啦) Be careful what you say to the new girl, I’ve heard she’s very thin-skinned. 因為非常 sensitive 所以易誤解 (might take things the wrong way.) |
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