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     有一本書頗值得向企業借人士推介, 那就是 Henry Mintzberg 教授的 “Managers not MBAs” --- A hard look at the soft practice of managing and management development--- Berrett Koehler Publisher,Inc, 2004。國內有中譯本“MBA≠ 經理人” (培生教育出版)。這本書絕非泛泛之論, 因為作者 four years in the writing, fifteen years in the developing, thirty five years in the thinking--- draws together a great many of my ideas. (三十五年的思考, 十五年的孕育, 四年的寫作所構成的個人巨著) 絕對值得細讀。

       Mintzberg 教授的風格頗接近偶像的破壞者(Iconoclast), 他首先提出實務的觀點(Management as a practice), 語出驚人的說 Management is not a science, management is not a profession. 他的論點是“ After almost a century of trying, by any reasonable assessment management has become neither a science nor a profession. It remains deeply in the practice of everyday living.” 所以他認為經過一個世紀的嘗試, 管理既沒成為科學, 也沒成為專業, 它依然深植於日常生活的實務中。
       赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley) 認為“經驗不是發生在你身上的事, 而是你如何處理發生在你身上的事” ( Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.)  Mintzberg 教授則認為 Trying to teach management to someone who has never managed is like trying to teach psychology to someone who has never met another human being. 教ㄧ位從未接觸過管理的人管理, 就如同教一位從未見過人類的人心理學一樣。畢竟 Organizations are complex phenomena. Managing them is a difficult, nuanced business, requiring all sorts of tacit understanding that can only be gained in context. Trying to teach it to people who have never practiced is worse than a waste of time--- it demeans management. 組織係複雜的現象, 管理組織不僅困難, 也頗微妙, 只有建立好的默契方能水到渠成, 也只有置身其中, 才知其五味。所以MBA 學位絕非魔法仗(magic wand) , 無法把沒經驗又不成熟的大學生變成合格之經理人。(The MBA degree is not a magic wand that transforms inexperienced and immature undergraduates into licenced managers.) 因此, We need leaders with human skills, not professionals with academic credentials. 社會需要的是俱備人際技巧的領導人, 而非有學術認證的專家。

       採用個案教學早已成為哈佛管理學院的傳統, 以其MBA(企管碩士) 的訓練而言, 每週閱讀3或4個個案實乃稀鬆平常之事, 所以兩年的累積300至400個個案絕不成問題, 當然在方法論上, 這能否形成系統化訓練是見仁見智, 但累積各種狀況之經驗是不成問題的, 暫且不論其一般化的問題, 先看看個案教學法所需俱備的基本假定(assumptions):

 It brings the reality of management practice into the classroom. 將現實世界的管理實務帶進教室
It exposes students to the “big picture”. 使學生接觸宏觀的想法
It develops the skills of the general manager. 培養總經理式的技能
It challenges conventional thinking. 挑戰傳統思想
It is participative. 參與式教學

     不過說真的, 那種方式真能培養出傑出的經理人員? 讓學生排排坐, 僅以昨晚閱讀的素材, 就要抓住領導的本質(captures the essence of leadership), 接觸 “宏觀的想法”, 給與“ responsibility for decision” (能為決策負責) , 進而 “ learning by doing” (做中學習), 使其能 “ risk taking” (承當風險), 成為“General Manager” (總經理式的管理者) , 別傻了! Mintzberg 教授吶喊。(只是可別惹火那些成千上萬的哈佛MBA畢業生!)

    當你認真讀 Mintzberg 教授這本書之際, 你先感受到他那排山倒海的批評, 用的章節就頗觸目驚心了: Part One 中, Wrong people, Wrong ways, Wrong Consequences(包括Corruption of educational process, managerial practice, established organizations and social institutions.); 幸好Part Two 提出解決方案, 用八章提出他的做法, 重點就是建立IMPM(The International Masters in Practicing Management), 落實他先前的想法。記得 Chapter 2 Wrong Ways, 第一句便是: There are no right ways to develop the wrong people. 意指如果教學對象不對, 好的教學方法亦罔然。介紹這麼一本擲地鏗然有聲的重量級著作, 絕對會使讀者意猶未盡, 所以採重點式方式打住, 最後提出 Mintzberg 教授給希望教育真正經理人的教授需遵守的六大條規:

        Don’t pack it, Don’t pack it, Don’t pack it. 別老採灌輸方式
Schedule an extra hour for each session, but don’t tell the “ instructors” until they arrive. 每單元多安排一小時, 但別事先告訴講師
Profess less: the participants have at least as much to learn from each other      as from the professors. (This is about what they learn, not about what we teach.) 教授們, 少說些吧, 同學間還可透過切蹉而擦出火花呢。
 Let the participants run with the concepts on their agenda. 讓參與者依其自己的想法進行討論議程
 Be flexible; let good discussion go: If necessary, cut what is supposed to be “covered. ”  要有彈性, 讓好的討論盡情發揮, 如有可能, 刪掉ㄧ些既定的議程
Listen. Listen. Listen  傾聽 傾聽 傾聽

            Mintzberg 教授也鼓勵研究人員要常保持熱忱(enthusiasm), 他提出幾點建議如下:

終身職無何要緊(Screw tenure)
有想法才發表(publish only when you have something to say)
ㄧ次暢汝所言, 別保留(Say it all at once, right, altogether)
別把目標定在最好, 盡力就好(Never set out to be the best. Do your best.)
創造知識(Create knowledge) Discover something new.
為有思想的實踐者而寫(Write for the thoughtful practitioner)
化想法為行動(Get close to action)
對你所做要保持熱忱(Be passionate about what you do.)


( 知識學習語言 )
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