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That's ... NOT Hot
2006/04/15 11:29:44瀏覽114|回應0|推薦0

Jesus, check out the legs on these Jap girls!  To borrow Paris Hilton's famous one liner, "That's Hot", but only in a negated way: That's NOT hot!  Definitely not!  Oh my god, these girls have horrible legs!!  Horrible!  :^)
First of all, let me get the obvious out of the way.  "Jap" is NOT a racial slur or epithet.  "Jap" is simply a shorthand for "Japanese".  Just like "lab" is short for "laboratory", "dorm" for "dormitory", and "gym" for "gymnasium".  Yes, as simple as that.  And to those who object you tell them this!
Why do I care?  Here is a little secret about myself:  I've always wanted to marry a Jap girl.  Ever since I was old enough to tell a girl from a boy and what features I like in a woman I've wanted a Jap wife.  I mean they are so cute, beautiful, and adorable!!  Just like Barbie dolls, all nicely gift-wrapped in their own ways.  And supposedly they know how to treat a man right!  You can't go wrong!
That was until I saw these real life pictures that my friend took when he went to Japan.  To his credits, here is his album.  I remember a long time ago some guy once said, "all the good looking Jap girls are in the AV industry, the rest are the ones walking the streets".  AV stands for Adult Video and it is huge in Japan.  In fact, the porn business is huge in Japan, it's like a Godzilla in its own rights.  Now, that's beyond the scope of this discussion but I will just say that I've enjoyed my fair share of Jap AV's.  Hehehe.  Back then, I didn't want to believe that guy, but now I am increasingly convinced that that is a fact.  Man, that's so depressing!  So wrong!  :^)
I still love Jap food and have every intention to visit Japan one day.  But nowadays, I am thinking, well ok, she doesn't have to be a Jap, it could very well be someone who understands the culture and speaks the language.  Someone who is well versed the Jap ways.  If you know someone who fits let me know!

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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