初心一直有 |
2007/03/24 21:07 |
放心,初心沒有消失~~ 放心感受便有
ㄛ。是ㄛ。。。 |
2007/02/03 09:44 |
其實,眼前還有比出家更重要的事等著你。 不必太拘泥形式。
初心 |
2007/02/03 08:32 |
.....= =... |
2007/02/02 13:19 |
open and straight forward communication |
2007/02/02 13:13 |
我正努力著 用簡單的想法, 化解複雜的情緒 心靈得以舒張, 生活游刃有餘.....
天寬地遠 雲淡風清 |
Indeed |
2007/01/26 12:20 |
人活著, 不就是一直在尋找我們的"初心"嗎?
We lost it, the moment we were born. Some of us spent the whole life looking for it. Only to find out it never left us. It only resurfaces when He calls.
有時 |
2007/01/26 10:18 |
有時想想 或許不該想... 但總是忽高忽低..........