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George Michael的2012倫敦奧運閉幕式演唱的線上觀賞
2012/08/13 21:06:23瀏覽2734|回應14|推薦25

今天早上起床時看新聞才知道今天清晨是"2012倫敦奧運 閉幕式"汗





請大家直接轉到01:21:55,偶像的Freedom '90'前奏馬上出現

接著在01:26:53偶像的新單曲"White Light"也會出現喔三太子愛


PS : 我覺得偶像至少瘦了10kg,ㄞ...胖了6~7kg的我要努力減肥了啦


影片來源 : hichannel - 2012倫敦奧運 閉幕式-08-13 閉幕典禮

授     權: 中華電信
片     長: 3時22分16秒


PS : "2012倫敦奧運 閉幕式-08-13 閉幕典禮"這部影片無法崁入到我的blog中哇哩咧,請各位網友自行到hichannel線上觀賞了哩


資料來源 : Mail Online

The voice is back! George Michael returns to the stage for triumphant first live performance at the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony

By Kirsty Mccormack

PUBLISHED: 22:04 GMT, 12 August 2012 | UPDATED: 09:01 GMT, 13 August 2012

Last year he found himself critically ill in hospital but tonight George Michael proved that he was back to his very best.

The 49-year-old took to the stage at the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony and gave a fantastic performance that the crowd certainly enjoyed.

Singing with a wall of backing singers, George belted out his well-known hit Freedom and appeared to be enjoying the experience thoroughly.

Back to his best: George Michael owns the stage as he performs at the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony(photo)

Wearing a pair of jeans, a leather jacket and a large skull buckle belt, the Wham star accompanied his vocals with non-stop dance moves.

He completed his look with a pair of dark sunglasses as he covered the entirety of the stage and took in the crowd.

It was certainly a triumphant return to the UK stage for George with tonight being his first performance since his near fatal bout of pneumonia which forced him to cancel his Symphonica tour late last year.

Hands up! The singer began his performance by singing Freedom(photo)

Smart guy: The British guy chose to wear a leather jacket, dark jeans and a shiny skull buckle belt(photo)

Loving it! The crowd certainly enjoyed George's singing and dancing(photo)

Following his near-fatal experience, George penned his latest single, White Light, which he also sang tonight while continuing with his impressive dance moves.

Another impressive performance came from Annie Lennox who stood out at the stadium as she arrived aboard a ship.

Wearing a black and red basque and a trailing netted skirt, the blonde singer completed her look with smokey eye make-up as she sang to the crowd.

Comeback: George performed Freedom as well as his new single White Light(photo)


資料來源 : Mirror Online

'It's a party not an advert': George Michael criticised over song choice in comeback gig after near fatal illness

By James Robertson

12 Aug 2012 22:45

It's his first performance since he beat pneumonia last year and while he was praised for his singing, people weren't impressed with his new material

Having a little faith, it's George(photo)

When George Michael was running around the stage singing his most famous songs in front of nearly four billion people – it was a pretty inspiring moment.
If further proof was needed of the pop icon's complete return to health after last year's battle with pneumonia, this was it.

Singing the classic Freedom and wearing his double leather outfit and diamond encrusted skull for a belt buckle it was George at his very best.

Radio 1 DJ Edith Bowman said on Twitter: 'George totally nailing it!', while Philip Schofield confirmed that he's 'still got it'.

George finished one of the all-time favourites and proclaimed: “Britain, you are at the centre of the universe!”

This is one dance move we don't encourage you trying at home - or outside(photo)

Which we don't think is geographically correct but he's probably just being poetic.

George was given two tracks to showcase why he represents British music and weirdly decided to showcase new material for his second song.

Comedian John Bishop tweeted: 'George – what are you doing. Let's hear Club Tropicana, Last Christmas, Careless Whisper - something ace we know – it's a party not an advert.'

He had fun, though(photo)

And Professor Green chipped in and added: 'He's making light work of that stage... don't know this one [song] though.'

The illness forced him to cancel his Symphonica tour late last year but it's confirmed that George will resume the gigs on September 4 in Vienna and finishing in Earls Court, London, on 17 October.

延伸閱讀 : 2012/08/10 奧運》閉幕式倒數 奧委會保密到家


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2012/09/03 15:10
另外想請問網上那裡有閉幕典禮GM歌唱片段看? Hichannel只給台灣居民看. 其實我是有錄影到, 但悲慘地一個不小心delete了.  And can't find any good quality clip of GM performance at closing ceremony on youtube.
最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2012-09-03 23:11 回覆:

youtube輸入關鍵字"George Michael Olympic"會出現一些







Australia concert
2012/09/03 11:07

這幾天沈迷地看他倫敦演唱會的DVD. 真想看他真人現場演出. 巧合是我11月18日會在澳洲, 內心正爭論好不好買飛看他演出. 但跟交響樂團, 會否比較靜態. 看到youtube他上America's Idol唱Praying for time, 很感動啊! 他真是天生的super star!

最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2012-09-03 22:56 回覆:






His biography
2012/09/01 18:53

喜歡他的歌是從Wham!開始, 但稱不上是fan. 不知為何當天看到他在閉幕典禮的演出, 有種很懷念他的情緒. 因此上網看了很多他的訪問. 好像追回這20多年發生在他身上的事. 當然他那些被捕事件是知道的, 但不知他本人的回應/感受. 剛從圖書館借到一本有關他的書. 原來他最後一個女朋友是美藉華人!

我很能感受你作為fan的心情. 因我也曾2次飛到日本看我偶像的演唱會. 你更到過3大洲! 我看到了你澳洲演唱會的文章, 但好像沒有part 2. 希望9 月4 日他的巡迴演出順利. 你有沒有跟他在twitter留言? 他的official website好像沒有留言版.

最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2012-09-01 21:21 回覆:

I have not read your blogs about why the Perth concert was disappointing. And I read you couldn't take photos at the US concert.-->真是不好意思,這2句英文我竟然看錯了,也因此回答錯了ROES三條線有關伯斯那場演唱會因為在我們到的時候換了一個很爛的場地和音響(而這張門票卻是我參加GM的3場演唱會中最貴的),而且GM當天比其他場次少唱了4~5首歌,讓我覺得飛到伯斯、花了這麼多錢的門票一點價值也沒有,所以覺得超失望的怨氣而美國那場,可能因為是在華盛頓DC,所以就像你說的管制會比較嚴格吧!!

我看到了你澳洲演唱會的文章, 但好像沒有part 2-->澳洲演唱會後,我因為忙碌、懶惰等種種因素,最後不了了之了尷尬(///、啥)


他的official website好像沒有留言版-->之前有,但是要加入會員才看的到。留言版我很久沒進去看了,不確定現在有沒有了!

2012/08/31 09:45

那天看到George在閉幕典禮唱, 勾起我重溫他的歌曲. He is a truly talented singer-songwriter! 又上網找他的訪問片段. 看到他上年出院後多謝醫護人員的說話, 慶幸他今年可身體健康地在舞台上再和大家唱歌. 今天找到你的blog, 你真是他超級fan呢!  我也很希望他會來亞洲閞show. He has not come to Asia for any solo concert ( except that time Wham! went to China for concert) ?  I have not read your blogs about why the Perth concert was disappointing. I know he will have Australia concert in Nov 2012 and I may travel to Australia and so I've been thinking of seeing his concert.

And I read you couldn't take photos at the US concert. But I see the London concet DVD, and the audience held the cameras out and it seemed allowed. Maybe US security is tighter.

Anyway wish George all the ebest!



最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2012-08-31 18:23 回覆:

He has not come to Asia for any solo concert ( except that time Wham! went to China for concert) ?-->GM曾經在2008年到中東的Abu Dhabi開過演唱會喔!只是票房不太好汗

I have not read your blogs about why the Perth concert was disappointing. -->我不清楚為何會這樣ㄋㄟㄟˊ咦我剛剛瀏覽了下是OK的!澳洲演唱會那篇我沒寫什麼,演唱會主要內容後來因我忙碌、懶惰等種種因素,最後不了了之了尷尬(///、啥)

And I read you couldn't take photos at the US concert. -->因為華盛頓DC那場因為無法拍照,總共也只有拍演唱會會場外觀一張,所以沒看到也不用覺得可惜啦羞




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