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Singer George Michael arrested after car crash
2009/08/16 12:55:35瀏覽935|回應4|推薦8




突然間聽到..."英國歌手George Michael........"

接著就趕快上網到英國yahoo news搜尋著偶像的新聞...




資料來源 : 自由電子報


喬治麥可出撞況 嗑藥?酒駕?狂喊不要坐牢 




追撞卡車屁股 闖禍語無倫次





巴布狄倫打球 警察盤查身分


雖然狄倫非常配合,但消息不脛而走, 警方高層表示,該員警太年輕,不認識這位樂壇大哥,不便之處請大明星見諒。


資料來源 : 香港 蘋果日報

佐治米高 高速撼貨車無受傷

英國男歌手佐治米高( George Michael)以往曾多次被控在吸毒後及在藥物影響下駕駛,今晨他又重蹈覆轍,駕著其約值一百萬港元的四驅車,在英國南部伯克郡的公路上高速狂撼前面一輛7噸重貨車。 米高的坐駕嚴重損毀,但就奇蹟地未有受傷,被懷疑曾飲酒或服藥的他事後被帶返 ...



資料來源 : BBC NEWS  UK

Page last updated at 10:06 GMT, Saturday, 15 August 2009 11:06 UK

George Michael quizzed over crash

Singer George Michael was arrested and questioned by police after his Land Rover was in collision with a lorry on the A34 in Berkshire.

The 46-year-old singer was questioned and released without charge

The 46-year-old was held on suspicion of driving under the influence of drink or drugs, but released without charge after five hours.

He was taken to Loddon Valley police station near Reading following the incident in the early hours of Friday.

A Thames Valley Police spokeswoman confirmed the singer had been released.

Police were called to the crash, involving a silver Land Rover and a lorry, two miles north of the M4 at about 0001 BST.

Driving ban

"The driver of the Land Rover, a 46-year-old man, was arrested at the scene and taken into police custody," said the spokeswoman.

"He was later released without charge."

In June 2007 the singer was banned from driving for two years after pleading guilty to driving while unfit through drugs.

He was accused of colliding with three parked cars and driving off without notifying the owners.

He was also twice cautioned for possessing cannabis after being found asleep at the wheel of his car on two separate occasions in 2006.


資料來源 : BBC NEWS

Page last updated at 17:02 GMT, Saturday, 15 August 2009 18:02 UK

Michael 'sober' at crash arrest 

Michael had recently completed a two year driving ban
Singer George Michael has said he was "stone cold sober" when he was arrested after a car crash.

Michael had recently completed a two year driving ban

The 46-year-old singer was held by police after his silver Land Rover hit an articulated lorry in Berkshire in the early hours of Friday.

He was questioned on suspicion of driving under the influence of drink or drugs, but released without charge a few hours later.

In a statement, Michael said he did not want his family and friends to "worry".

'Insurance fight'

Michael, who was back behind the wheel after completing a two-year driving ban, said: "Neither of us was charged because we were both stone cold sober.

"We both think the other is to blame so this is just an insurance fight.

"I don't want my fans or my family worried by what they are reading all over again."

Police were called to the crash on the A34, two miles north of the M4, at about 0100 BST.

In June 2007 the singer was banned for two years after pleading guilty to driving while unfit through drugs.

He was accused of colliding with three parked cars and driving off without notifying the owners.

He was also twice cautioned for possessing cannabis after being found asleep at the wheel of his car on two separate occasions in 2006. 


資料來源 :  Yahoo! News UK

George Michael: I was sober

5 hours 12 mins ago

George Michael whams trucker rear

George Michael has said he was "stone cold sober" when he was arrested after a car crash.

The former Wham! star was questioned by police on suspicion of driving under the influence of drink or drugs in the early hours of Friday.

The 46-year-old singer, who had just completed a two-year driving ban, was detained after his silver Land Rover hit an articulated lorry on the A34 in Berkshire at around 1am. He was later released without charge.

In a statement Michael said: "Neither of us was charged because we were both stone cold sober.

"We both think the other is to blame so this is just an insurance fight. I don't want my fans or my family worried by what they are reading all over again."

In June 2007, Michael was banned for two years and sentenced to 100 hours' community service after he admitted driving under the influence of drugs.


資料來源 :  Yahoo! News UK

Singer George Michael arrested after car crash

10 hours 27 mins ago

Pop star George Michael was arrested and questioned after his Land Rover car collided with a lorry in Britain, but the singer insisted Saturday he was "stone cold sober" at the time.

The 46-year-old was held in the early hours of Friday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence of drink and drugs, but was released without charge after five hours, the BBC reported.

Michael, the former star of 1980s pop band Wham, later issued a statement insisting he had done nothing wrong.

"Neither of us was charged because we were both stone cold sober. We both think the other is to blame so this is just an insurance fight," he said, referring to the lorry driver.

"I don't want my fans or my family worried by what they are reading all over again."

In 2006, Michael was found slumped over the wheel of his car and was subsequently given a two-year driving ban after pleading guilty to driving while unfit through drugs.

Police confirmed a man had been taken to the Lodden Valley police station near Reading in southeast England Friday.

"Officers were called at 1:00 am on August 14 to a collision on the southbound carriageway of the A34, approximately two miles north of the M4," a spokeswoman for Thames Valley Police said.

"It was between a silver Land Rover and an articulated lorry. The driver of the Land Rover, a 46-year-old man, was arrested at the scene.

"He was taken to Lodden Valley police station where he was questioned and released at 5.55am."

The lorry driver, Laurie Row, told the Daily Mail newspaper on Saturday: "He (Michael) seemed completely disorientated, like he had no idea what was going on. He looked totally dazed and even tried to climb into the cab of my lorry."

A spokeswoman for Michael told the Sun newspaper the reports were rubbish.

The star, who has sold more than 100 million records worldwide, with seven US number one singles, 11 number one singles in Britain and six number one albums, was also cautioned for drugs possession in 2008.

( 興趣嗜好偶像追星 )
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2009/08/18 12:24


最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2009-08-19 10:31 回覆:



2009/08/18 11:16

這該怎摸說呢  雖然狀況連連 不是良好示範  但是 我還是很愛GM 沒辦法嘛 誰叫他那麼有才華  忠於做自己呢  愛他就要好壞兼容囉  
但是拜託  要永遠好運到我看他演唱會那天啊~~~

最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2009-08-19 10:28 回覆:




2009/08/17 12:59

他能好好保重自己,不要像MICHAEL JACKSON一樣英年早逝,我還想參加


最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2009-08-17 13:45 回覆:




喔 my god!
2009/08/16 16:46



最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2009-08-16 23:13 回覆:

一看到這則新聞時我也是...喔 my god!
