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Cotton Candy
2009/04/29 08:48:23瀏覽610|回應1|推薦6

Cotton Candy  attracts me not only for its soft texture but also for its sweet flavor. I wonder if a person whose personality is as tender, soft, considerate and sweet as a cotton candy, will she/he attract others' attention?

Oh, yeah!! Cotton candy is so yummy. I can't resist its temptation all the time. Haha, actually it is white sugar only. Since it consists of mostly air, it looks so huge, soft and elegant like a floating cloud which is so carefree and graceful in the sky.

The most popular color of cotton candy is white or pink, though any color can be made. Haha, I prefer to eat the white one while imagining" I am floating carefreely on the white cloud and having my adventure with the wind."

Tenderness, softness, sweetness are the unique characteristics of the cotton candy. I ponder over "the uniqueness and characteristics of mine? "

Openness to accept the challenges of  being spun at high speed with the heater. The sugar is squeezed and melt with the powerful force in the air and gathered together.

Neither the candy nor the cotton can beat the unbeatable tenderness, softness, openness and sweetness of the cotton candy. After all, it is sugar indeed. However, with the strategies of modifying, modeling, shaping, decorating, self-improving, or self-marketing, the cotton candy is not sugar any more, but the floating cloud with fancy dreams at hand,  the fluffy hope which melts in my mouth, brightens my positive thinkings, sweetens my smiles and warms my heart.

Haha, I just can't fight the fluffy, soft, sweet, tender, yummy cotton candy.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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水 羚
I love it
2009/04/29 20:12

It looked so tempting



Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-29 22:44 回覆:

Yeah, it truly is tempting. I love it as well.

Haha, we can share it together.