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2009/04/25 01:27:51瀏覽529|回應1|推薦14

引用文章 生命的出口--心情歸零

 Haha, everything is coming from nothing. Nothing is the starting point of everything.

I love the feeling of counting down from ten to zero. It seems that everything can be done all over again and everything can be started with different methods, different attitudes, different expectations, and different results.

ZERO is the starting point of everything.

Even a new construction should be constructed over the destruction first with the solid groundwork.

Return to the basic/ fundamental work with successive efforts of discovering and developing one's potentials. 

Opportunities are always there for those who can keep the original attempt of doing something hopeful and cheerful.

With the solid groundwork, the  power of zero will be ten times, one hundrend times,...........amazing.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2009/04/25 12:35

0想 , 0是哲學家,很愛思考,看看0怎麼想

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-26 00:52 回覆:

Haha, so the shape of zero is the thinking bubble.

The philosopher of zero who likes to ponder on diverse phenomenons is meditating the possibilities of Powerful Zero.