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Happiness meets smiles
2009/04/24 05:45:40瀏覽525|回應1|推薦13


"Five hundred years" sounds long, but it may be just as short as " a thought."

Love binds the hands and hearts of two strangers.

Love connects the souls and thoughts of two strangers.

Love makes the clash of two notes by chance bring forth endless sparks of light which is worthy of waiting for five hundred years and another five hundred years.

Love enables us to be attentive to each other's song of life and share each other's sorrows and joys.

Love provides us the fruit of patience, so that we may hold on to our hopes while waiting for true love even it may take another five hundred years.

Love builds sincere relationship and breaks down the walls which block the sharing of sadness and happiness with smiles.

Love meets love and souls meet souls.

The flower meets the leaf.

The bird meets the song.

The white clouds meet the blue sky.

The rain meets the river.

The small rivers meet the generous ocean.

The rocky stones meet the wide earth.

The darkness meets the brightness.

The pen meets the paper.

The sun meets the moon.

The notes meet the song.

My attentive ears meet your sharing mouth.

My offering meets your acceptance.

The fishing pole meets the fish.

Good days meet good nights.

The inner world meets the outer life in harmony.

Happiness meets smiles or smiles meet happiness.

I meet myself and you meet yourself.

Love is sunshine, love is rain, love is the earth, they keep lives thriving and growing forever.

Haha, hang on.

True love belongs to those who persist till the end.

Life connects life; love fosters love; I meet you eventually.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2009/04/24 06:13

Love meets love and souls meet souls

愛情會是美麗的相遇 , 在相遇裡尋到一個你,尋到一個我,………但尋到之前的漫長等待,是一種修煉,修煉出內心豐足的你,豐足的我,相遇會是豐美的心靈交會 , 會是圓滿的緣滿

如雲朵遇到了天空,雨水遇到了河流 , 河流找到了海洋…………是多麼美好的相遇 , 是心靈的歸宿感………

愛的本身就是一種修煉!修煉 , 它豐了愛的歷程,化荒蕪為豐美

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-04-26 00:54 回覆: