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2008/12/09 05:30:43瀏覽758|回應1|推薦15 | |
Here are 10 STUPID things I HATE at work. Some people either DO NOT get it or CAN NOT learn it. Dealing with these IDIOTS all day simply EXHAUSTS me. "How's it going?" CAN NOT be asked when I have just started my day or when I am crazily busy. I don't know how its going YET (because I have just started my day, maybe?) Its definitely GOING no matter what. Or, are you f*cking nuts to even ask me when I have to stop my thoughts for a minute and answer your STUPID question? If you are NOT blind, you may notice that I AM BUSY. Of course unless you are my boss, who is legitimate to ask me this question any time. "What are you doing?" simply CAN NOT be asked. WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM DOING, IDIOT? A good colleague/ manager KNOWS what I am doing by being observant. I am busy making sure my patients getting the treatment they need today. AKA, GET THE WORK DONE. Thats what I'm doing. If you do not know what I am doing, I am NOT obliged to answer your question. Because its either NOT your business (ie, you are not my boss) or you are too STUPID to know what I am doing. "Are you OK?" is a 50/50. If its not coming from my boss or seniors, its USELESS to ask because you CAN NOT solve the problem for me. Besides, why do you even ask? It may show on my face that I have a heavy workload or rough day. But MEAN WHAT YOU SAY. Unless you are WILLING to listen to my problem and help me with it. Otherwise, you are WASTING my time. DO NOT even ask. "Where is so-and-so? (Have you seen so-and-so?)" is a dumb question. Are you REALLY asking me a question or simply thinking out loud? Do I look like I am an unit secretary and know where all these people are? You can either page the person or use the overhead to locate him/her. But you choose to interrupt me when I am working. Its VERY irritating when a question is NOT a question. You f*cking IDIOT. Abuse the paging system. First of all, the pager is for things which are work-related. It respresents a PRIORITY. If you page me on my pager or overhead, I need to put down the things I am doing at my hand to answer your pager. Then you ask me, " Lets go for a smoke break. " Its again f*cking irritating. Because maybe I was waiting for a doctor to call back for an emergency? Beat around the bush. Once again, say what you mean, mean what you say. If you want to go to lunch/ have a break before me, ask me "how are you doing?" is NOT the right question. I DO NOT read mind. If it takes me more than 3 minutes to figure out what the real question is, its f*cking too long. Because I can use these 3 minutes to use the bathroom, have a sip of water or simply sit down and relax. Yell my name on the hallway when I'm with my patients. Where is the F*CKING emergency that you need to yell my name on the hallway anyway? Is it a code blue? then there this code blue buttom on the wall. If I am not on my desk, I will be in my patient's room doing care. I only have 3 rooms. Check my rooms first. STOP yelling when there is no emergency. We are in a hospital, not an auction. Get out of my way when my patient is in crisis. I DO NOT care if you were using a phone or were on the computer. BE AWARE and SHOW YOUR SUPPORT to your colleague. DO NOT sit there OCCUPYING a space when I need a phone line or computer space open for contacting doctors or swat team for my patients. Help me or get the f*ck out of my way. Use a motherly tone of voice or posture when you talk. This irritates the HELL of me. I understand that you are a parent. But you are NOT my parent. You ask question, DO NOT interrogate. You ask for help, DO NOT command. You may be elder, but NOT senior. Besides, I DO NOT give a shit even if you are senior. I DO NOT respond well to bullying, insincerity or stupidity. So if I don't respond to your question, thats because I DO NOT have to or DO NOT want to. Got it? Bitch and whine and yap. Simply STOP doing it. Redirect your negative energy SOMEWHERE ELSE. Your colleagues DO NOT deserve to hear what happens in your house, in your relationship, or in your marriage. If you live in a bad house, work on it or shut up. If you have a bad relationship, work on it or shut up. If you have a bad marriage, work on it or shut up. And bitching, whining and yapping is NOT considered "working on it." Got it? |
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