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Dr. McDreamy: Bloda and his gang
2009/01/03 02:57:42瀏覽752|回應1|推薦17

Dr. Bloda is a first year OR (surgery) resident in this hospital.

He usually comes in the floor when there is an OR consult for surgery. He will do the first assessment of the patient, round with his attending surgeon and do the follow-up treatment.

Like most other surgeons, Dr. Bloda has the neatness in his look -- well-shaved face, little styling gel on his hair, designer-looking glasses without any smudges on, well-maintained hands, well-trimmed nails, always wears clean white lab coat and green OR scrub. He looks like a surgeon but NOT a mechanic. That is, I think these two professions DO have a lot in common -- highly trained to use tools and to fix things for a living.

What makes him stand out from the other surgeons though is his VERY accessible manners. Believe it or not, Dr. Bloda looks into your eyes when he listens or talks to you like you are the ONLY one he cares about at that moment. He ALWAYS has a smile on his cute-looking face and showing his nice white teeth. He ALWAYS says thank you to the staff who helps with his procedure at the bedside. Unlike his fellow surgery pricks, who can be bossy, impatient and sometimes belittling, Dr. Bloda is a breath of FRESH air.

This hospital keeps getting better and better simply because we have HOTTIE docs like Bloda. We LOVE looking at young OR residents coming in groups rounding in this getting-to-be geriatric floor. 6' and 200lbs. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Broad shoulders. Flattened belly. And one of them wears Izzy Miyake.

VERY testosteronal!

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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Ha ha ha
2009/01/04 13:46
Very interesting pictures....
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-01-07 10:22 回覆:
glad you liked them!