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Potluck Politics
2009/04/20 09:14:22瀏覽789|回應5|推薦25

This is going to be my third potluck this month next Monday.

The first one this month was the Easter Sunday lunch potluck. Ms Beech brought a shrimp dish. Shawn made broccoli salad. Stacy brought potato egg salad. I guess Phyllis cooked a ham that day in her crock pot. Some rolls, buns, and butter. Pops on the table, where there was a tablecloth too. For someone who does not cook, I brought chips and salsa to lunch.

The second one this month was 5 days later after Easter Sunday. Sarah's farewell potluck lunch party -- for she is moving to North Carolina with her firefighter husband next month. Mary K brought a cream pie. Jason brought honey mustard chicken pasta. Tomeka made taco salad. Lady Boss actually paid for the main dish that day -- fried chicken and salad. For someone who does not cook, I brought a strawberry crust pie, which Hubby went to Meijer for me and bought one on Thursday afternoon.

The third one this month will be Lady Boss's surprise birthday party on Monday. I got 2 phone calls for it over the weekend already. For someone who does not cook, what will I bring for her birthday potluck party?

Definitely can NOT let them know that my chicken egg rolls are WICKEDLY good. But who would go to the Chinese grocery store 45 minutes away from us to get the wraps, then come home to prepare the stuffings for another 2 hours, then for the next day to bring a fryer that weighs over 15lbs to work? Just to have a potluck?

I don't know. But it's Lady Boss's birthday. She is the one who approves my personal days, fills me in overtime slots, and gives me raise every year. I have to bring something that will catch attention so that when my coworkers see it they would ask, "awww, who brought this?" "It's Purr." It does not really matter if it tastes good as long as it looks good, right?

But it can NOT be too pretty to the point that I steal someone's thunder. Leisa, the clinical leader on our unit, is going to bring something too. I'll let her dish to be the one. Or, the seniors who could bring some real kickass dishes that they put into their effort all Sunday afternoon cooking in the kitchen. It would be a suicide attempt if I even try to steal their thunder by bringing something TOO good.

So I went to Costco and bought a chocolate cream pie this time.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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Potluck Rebellion
2009/05/09 20:38
Dear purr, 
I bring cookies  every time. I told everyone I CAN NOT cook and did a presentation to justify my claim. That ends any further requests.
Good luck.

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-05-10 08:15 回覆:

ha ha. great minds think alike.

after all who does NOT like some sweet pastry and a fresh cup of coffee in the long dreading afternoon at work?

2009/04/25 02:13
What a big headache to have a potluck party in the office!!

We usually just go out to eat.

It's easier and more relaxing.

And you are definitely right --

there's always politic things in the office.

Sometimes you really can't afford to take it casually~~

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-04-26 08:38 回覆:
nurses LOVE potluck...
hmm, i don't know if i would like to hang out outside the work with the people i work with.

I hate office politics...
2009/04/22 15:25
I didn't know that you are not supposed to show your good cooking skills at your office party.

We used to have cakes and other foods brought by some colleague in the office in Germany. The tastier, the better. Nobody cared to compare. All of us just pigged out immediately.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-04-22 22:38 回覆:

thats why apple said damn you do, damn you don't...

it does NOT look good when an empty bowel sitting right next to something almost untouched. i would not be that empty bowel while my boss's almost untouched in any office potluck.

nothing special
low profile
2009/04/21 10:17
in these bad days, we'd better keep LOW Profile, especially when it is a thunder striking day.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-04-21 16:50 回覆:


good thing is that Lady  Boss is a very cool person. btw, she liked my double chocolate cream pie.

Apple *
Cooking skills
2009/04/20 18:06
Cooking skills
Smart Purr!
Showing off "Cooking Skills" is a delicate issue.
Damn you do it;  damn you don't.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-04-21 08:52 回覆:

thank you, Apple....

there are 2 other people i would NEVER dare to even make comments on how they cook either -- my mother in law and sister in law.   thats why i ALWAYS get to eat good food. btw, but i DO do dishes!