也貼舊文響應, 來自普家, 版主研究精神甚得德國思想精髓
新聞: Michael Moore 被楚浮電影《華氏451》原著Ray Bredbury要求因”剽竊書名創意”而道歉" ----"No. 1, he didn't ask (permission), and, No. 2, he took it -- period," Bradbury tells PEOPLE. " Even if he did ask, what he has done is a crime."
~~~這是本敘述”不准許書籍存在、由電視掌管的世界”的科幻小說,其中消防隊員是負責燒書的,其中的”主角書”是”塊肉餘生記”。本書1962就被楚浮買下電影版權,1964完成,是他的第一部彩色片。藉由此片,導演表達了他對書籍的崇敬。本片與史丹利.庫柏力克《2001太空漫遊》、1965年高達《阿爾發城》A TOWN,並列60年代的三大科幻經典!摩爾本人據悉因一直沒有回覆此抗議而感到不好意思,他的發言人則說”“Mr. Bradbury’s work has been an inspiration to all of us involved in this film, but when you watch this film you will see the fact that the title reflects the facts that the movie explores, the very real life events before, around and after 9-11.” 摩爾引用此題的用意在於”“Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns,” while Moore’s subtitle is that “Fahrenheit 9/11 is the temperature at which freedom burns.” 。或許老作家應該要了解這已經是相當明顯的”致敬”,文學巨人應可大人大量!