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2009/06/12 02:57:45瀏覽1448|回應0|推薦12 | |
文/方穎 偶然間發現一則工作機會的消息,這才瞭解英國這個文明古國的BBC(英國廣播公司)如何培養劇作家。 今年(2009)是「BBC劇作家學院」第五次招生,BBC在數以百計的申請者中選擇八位作家進行為期十三週的培訓,之前的結業生已有九成的作家都繼續留在這個領域工作,為BBC的劇集或其它的劇場編劇。 「BBC劇作家學院」入選條件要求:
課程內容包括: - 課室講座,配合寫作練習、分析、及個別指導。 - 業界名師演講。 - 電視製作流程演練,包括導演、分鏡、製作管理、選角、剪輯等。 - 呈交一集劇集作品。 看起來安排得很不錯,他們甚至有之前畢業生的連結網頁可供交流,也於facebook成立「作家學院群組」並有照片,想了解該學院畢業生們都在忙些什麼工作,可參考之。 【借鏡英國-看BBC如何培養劇作家】/方穎 來源:http://www.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/writing/writers_academy.shtml 原文如下: The 2009 Applications can be made online at the BBC Jobs website. The Eight writers are selected out of hundreds of applicants to undergo an intensive programme designed to equip them with all the skills necessary to write successfully for BBC Drama. The course entails classroom training, lectures from the country's best writers, instruction in all aspects of television production, and direct writing experience on the four Continuing Drama shows What the Academy enables us to do is to attract writers with interesting and original voices to television. Many of the Academy writers come to us from radio or theatre backgrounds. "You can't teach writing. What you can teach is structure, and if writers master that, it allows them access to their voice - and it is those voices that will keep the industry thriving." The Academy will be running again this year, for the fifth time. Previous graduates have gone on to become core writers for Casualty, Entry requirements You are eligible to apply if you have had your work broadcast on television or radio, or performed professionally at the theatre. You will need to send in an original sample of your writing. The course breaks down as follows: An introduction to writing for continuing drama series 13 weeks training made up of:
"You have to have a need to tell stories. I had that, but not the skills necessary to do so for television." Writing for broadcast At the end of the 13 weeks, if their individual Doctors episode is greenlit for broadcast, each writer will rotate across EastEnders, Casualty, and "Writing for television can feel like running across a muddy field at night being pursued by man-eating pigs - the Academy gives you a torch." More information Read an interview with Michael Levine, a 2008 graduate. Paul Campbell, a 2007 graduate, has a blog where he talks about his writing career. Abi Bown, a 2006 graduate, writes for the BBC writersroom blog. The Guardian have an article about the Academy. See also our Writers Academy Facebook group for information on what graduates are up to, and photos. Applying for a place on this year's Academy To find out more and apply for a place, visit the BBC jobs website.
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