With Exercise for Mood and Anxiety, Michael Otto and Jasper Smits, well-known authorities on cognitive behavioral therapy, take their empirically-based mood regulation strategy from the clinic to the general public. Written for those with diagnosed mood disorders as well as those who simply need a new strategy for managing the low mood and stress that is an everyday part of life, this book provides readers with step-by-step guidance on how to start and maintain an exercise program geared towards improving mood, with a particular emphasis on understanding the relationship between mood and motivation. Readers learn to attend carefully to mood states prior to and following physical activity in order to leverage the full benefits of exercise, and that the trick to maintaining an exercise program is not in applying more effort, but in arranging one’s environment so that less effort is needed. As a result readers not only acquire effective strategies for adopting a successful program, but are introduced to a broader philosophy for enhancing overall well-being. Providing patient vignettes, rich examples, and extensive step-by-step guidance on overcoming the obstacles that prevent adoption of regular exercise for mood, Exercise for Mood and Anxiety is a unique translation of scientific principles of clinical and social psychology into an action-based strategy for mood change.
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http://sparkinglife.org/page/john-ratey-md http://www.amazon.com/John-J.-Ratey/e/B000APBGD0 http://www.gvm.com.tw/Boardcontent_21771_2.html
《聰明學習靠運動》該書作者約翰.瑞提(John Ratey)約翰.瑞提(John Ratey)醫師是美國哈佛醫學院精神科臨床副教授,對大腦功能 有深入研究。他從2001年就著書發表大腦對身心的角色,主張運動是讓人更健康、更聰明的天然健腦丸。瑞提認為,大腦有如肌肉,用則進,廢則退,運動身體 等於運動大腦,促進 神經連結,還刺激腦神經細胞增長,強化大腦功能。 書本標題就寫著: 「運動改造大腦,讓IQ高、EQ好的關鍵密碼」。 最新的國際研究均顯示,小孩要多動,功課才會好。 人類天生就要動! 作者簡介 約翰.瑞提醫師 John J. Ratey, MD 哈佛醫學院精神科臨床助理教授,曾兩度受邀來台參加國際研討會, 著有《運動改造大腦》(野人文化出版),2012年3月起受聘為國立體育大學客座教授。 [第一章]運動能增進學習力與記憶力 [第二章] 凝聚專注力 ADHD是大腦注意力系統失衡 [第三章]向壓力說拜拜 [第四章]甩掉沮喪和憂鬱 [第五章]讓運動成為一生的習慣 規律性和肢體運動能讓大腦忙碌起來,戒除壞習慣! [第六章]大腦訓練計畫 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010541102 http://www.gvm.com.tw/Boardcontent_21771_2.html Fitness basics · American College of Sports Medicinehttp://www.acsm.org/ · Physical Activity Guidelines for Americanshttp://www.health.gov/paguidelines/ · President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sportshttp://www.fitness.gov/ http://www.youtube.com/user/BeFit
當你了解大腦究竟是如何運作的,就會明白應該如何充分利用大腦。 ▼運動/大腦守則1:運動增強腦力 ▼生存/大腦守則2:大腦也是演化的產物 ▼大腦迴路/大腦守則3:每一個大腦的配線都不相同 ▼注意力/大腦守則4:人們不會去注意無聊的東西 ▼短期記憶/大腦守則5:重複才記得 ▼長期記憶/大腦守則6:記得去重複 ▼睡眠/大腦守則7:睡得好,記得清楚 ▼壓力/大腦守則8:承受壓力的大腦不能如常的學習 ▼感覺的整合/大腦守則9:刺激多重感官,反應更迅速 ▼視覺/大腦守則10:視覺凌駕所有感官 ▼性別/大腦守則11:男性和女性的腦是不一樣的 ▼探索/大腦守則12:我們是不屈不撓的天生探索者 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010424803 讀者評鑑 張清浩 台灣台北2009.10.21 這本書給我最大的啟示是:運動,可以增加腦力!適度的運動,不是僅僅在於保持身體上的健康而已;還能對於一個人的心智狀態,有所助益。準備考試的人,千萬不要整日埋首於書堆之中,要有適度的運動,以增強學習的效果。
( 知識學習|健康 ) |