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An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.--以牙還牙。
2009/11/17 18:11:05瀏覽15540|回應0|推薦0

這句諺語十分直接了當:「你對我怎麼不好,我就用同樣的方式回報你」,意思就是「以暴治暴,以其人之道還治其身」。對照台灣現今政壇,這句話真是再貼切不過:你若說我 vote-buying(賄選),我就告你 embezzlement(盜用公款);你若扯我後腿,我就砍你預算!其實 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 這句話出自《聖經》(the Bible),聽起來似乎有點狠,也因此,英文還有一句諺語(請見下篇)與之相反:An eye for an eye and we will all go blind.(以眼還眼,兩敗俱傷),而且聖經的新約 (New Testament) 也提到 turn the other cheek(當人打你的臉,你應當送上另一邊臉讓他打),這種以德報怨的情操似乎比較可取!

A: Can you believe that Sean actually came back to me?

B: Is this the same Sean who ditched you for another woman last year?

A: Yes. He said he never really loved her, so he left her and wanted to get back together with me.

B: Then do so. But, of course, not for real

A: Do you mean to say that I should pretend to make up with him and then dump him?

B: Precisely. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! He deserves it.

A: 妳相信嗎,阿雄竟然回來找我了!

B: 妳是說去年拋棄妳,跑去跟別的女人在一起的那個阿雄?

A: 是啊,他說他根本不愛那個女的,所以和那女人分手了,想要跟我復合。

B: 那妳就這麼做啊!不過當然不是真的

A: 妳是說要我假裝跟他復合,然後再拋棄他?

B: 沒錯,以眼還眼,以牙還牙!他活該。


1.      actually (adv.) 實際上;事實上

2.      ditch (v.)(俚語)拋棄

3.      mean (v.) 意圖;打算

4.      pretend (v.) 假裝

5.      dump (v.) 拋棄

6.      precisely (adv.) 一點也不錯;正是

7.      deserve (v.) 應得


1.        for real (口語)確實地

Are you saying this for real?(你這麼說是真的嗎?)

2.        make up with… 和好

Why can’t you make up with her and forget all about your quarrel?(你為什麼不能和她和好,忘掉所有的爭吵呢?)









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