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2009/10/13 20:44:18瀏覽4941|回應0|推薦4 | |
這句話直譯是「別咬超過你能嚼的東西」,意思就是「如果嚼不下,就別咬那麼多」,通常勸人要衡量自己的能力,不要隨便答應幫助別人,以免到頭來累壞自己。在經濟不景氣的今天,很多家庭都面臨財務窘境,許多家長們身兼數職,只為改善家中生計,不過賺錢要緊,自己的健康更要緊,don’t bite off more than you can chew,畢竟人不是鐵打的,留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒!這句諺語也可用在勸人不要野心太大,嘗試自己不可能掌握或達成的事物,例如在經濟不景氣的今天,有一些人仍舊不顧自身的財務狀況,貸款買豪宅名車、餐餐山珍海味,這時別忘了,don’t bite off more than you can chew,哪一天自己無法負擔奢華的生活,連債主都找上門,那就糟了! A: I’m going to be busy as hell this weekend! B: How so? A: I agreed to look after my sister’s two kids, and I also promised Hannah that I’d take care of her poodle. B: Doesn’t that make you a kind of super nanny? A: That’s not all. I also have an understanding with my boss that I’m going to produce next week’s report for him, and I’m helping my neighbor move out… B: Don’t bite off more than you can chew. It’s not like you can make clones of yourself. Next time, don’t agree to do so much. A: 我這個週末要忙翻了! B: 為什麼? A: 我答應我姊要照顧她的兩個小孩,還要幫阿花照顧她的貴賓犬。 B: 那你不是成了超級奶爸? A: 不只這樣,我還答應老闆幫他趕出下星期要的報告,而且還要幫我鄰居搬家… B: 量力而為吧。你又沒有分身術,下次不要答應這麼多事吧。 單字 1. poodle (n.) 捲毛犬 2. nanny (n.) 奶媽 3. understanding (n.) 協議;共識 4. produce (v.) 產出 5. neighbor (n.) 鄰居 6. chew (v.) 咀嚼 7. clone (n.) 複製(人) 片語 1. as hell 極端地;可怕地 例I’m mad as hell, and I won’t take it anymore.(我氣炸了,我再也不要忍受了。。) 2. look after 照料 例She has been looking after her father for the past ten years.(她過去這十年都在照料父親。) 3. take care of 照顧;注意 例Take care of your little sister when your mother is away.(你媽不在時,照顧一下你小妹。) 4. bite off 咬(掉) 例He bit off a large piece of the apple.(他咬了一大口蘋果。) ** 此為 |
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