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2009/09/16 06:40:18瀏覽5183|回應1|推薦3 | |
這句諺語直譯是「一隻豹無法改變牠的斑點」,意思就是一個人或動物雖然可以試著或假裝改變其性格上的缺點,最終仍難逃脫其本性,因而做出與本性相符的事情。這句諺語通常用來形容那些「牛牽到北京還是牛」、固執不知改變的人。 A: Did you hear? Big Bear quit another job. B: What? Didn’t he just start that job last month? A: Didn’t you know that he changes jobs like crazy? Ha ha! B: Did he quit because the boss was an idiot and all his coworkers were scum again? A: Exactly. The funny thing is that last month, he vowed not to be so critical of everything before taking this last job. B: Well, “A leopard cannot change its spots.” That’s for sure. A: 你聽說了嗎?大雄又辭頭路了耶。 B: 什麼?他不是上個月才到新公司的嗎? A: 你不知道他一年換24個頭家嗎?哈哈。 B: 他是不是又嫌新公司的老闆是豬頭,同事是人渣? A: 沒錯。最好笑的是他上個月要到新公司前才發誓不再批評東批評西的! B: 唉,真是江山易改,本性難移啊。 單字 1. quit (v) 辭職 2. idiot (n.) 白癡 3. coworker (n.) 同事 4. scum (n.)(口語)人渣 5. exactly (adv.) 完全地;確切地 6. vow (v.) 鄭重宣示 7. leopard (n.) 豹 8. spot (n.) 斑點 片語 1. be critical of… 挑剔…;吹毛求疵 例Jason is very critical of his girlfriend.(Jason對他的女友很挑剔。) 2. for sure 確切地 例No one knows for sure what happened to him.(沒有人確切知道他發生了什麼事。 **此為
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