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Step 1:先利用「5W1H自問自答法」,想出並寫下描述照片的方式。

所謂 5W1H」指的是 What? When? Where? Who? Why? How?,以下面的照片為例,你可以利用這些字來問自己問題,並寫下重點的英文字,例如:

What? àmotorcycle, boats, harbor, house, trees

When? àsunny, afternoon

Where? àlakeside road/path

Who? àpolice officers, motorcyclist

Why? àget lost, ask for directions

How? àpoint to downtown, tell him how to get there

Step 2:用英文回答問題。

做完第一步後,相信你應該對描述圖片更有信心,可以說出如:It’s sunny.There is a motorcyclist.There are two police officers. 的句子,不過這還不夠!為了幫助你說出更有內容的英語,請利用Step 2「用英文回答問題」。在這個步驟中,請你用英語回答和照片有關的問題,回答時可參考括號內的提示字回答。例如:

Q: What is the weather like in the picture? (sunny)

(你可以嘗試回答à It is sunny.

Q: When was the picture taken? (afternoon)

(你可以嘗試回答à It was taken in the afternoon. 

Q: What is the motorcyclist doing? (asking for directions, police officers)

(你可以嘗試回答àThe motorcyclist is asking for directions from two police officers.

在書中,我替每個照片都設計了10多個問題,你可以一邊聽mp3,一邊試著用英語一句一句回答,等到全部練習完後就可以進入Step 3

Step 3:將Step 2所練習的十幾個句子全部串起來,把它們都說出來練習時,請你同樣先參考括號內的提示字來描述,然後反覆練習。例如:


It is… (sunny, afternoon). A motorcyclist was… (ask for direction, police officers). The motorcyclist was riding a.... He was wearing… (helmet, jacket). He… (downtown), but…. One of the police officers… (point, how to get there).

(你可以嘗試回答àIt was a sunny afternoon. A motorcyclist is asking for directions from two police officers. The motorcyclist is riding a red heavy-duty motorcycle. He is wearing a helmet and a black leather jacket. He wants to go downtown, but he is lost. One of the police officers points to downtown and tells the motorcyclist how to get there.


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