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《看照片說英語》YouTube 介紹影片(一)
2014/06/03 18:29:01瀏覽1473|回應0|推薦4


影片中我也提到,若你在看照片時可以直覺說出一、兩句英語 當然很好,但是一、兩句話畢竟太少了,怎麼樣可以說出更多、更好的英語呢?最重要的方式就是利用5W1H 自問自答法」來自我訓練。用這個方法多加訓練後,你便會發現可以說出口的英語句子變多了,而且最好的是:你不用去找「另一個人」練習口語,自己一個人也可以藉由「自問自答」說英語喔!老實說,這也是我在國、高中時期自我訓練英語的方式,呵呵!




"A man is barbecuing on a gas grill outside of his house. The grill he is using is an expensive one and has many different burners and cooking areas. He is preparing this meal for his family and friends. He is making barbecue chicken and some strips of barbecue pork. He is stirring the barbecue sauce to put it on the meat. He will then close the lid of the grill so the smoke will cook the food and spread the flavors into the meat."


"This man is a retired school teacher. He is barbecuing outside of his house on Sunday afternoon. He loves to cook for his family and friends, and he is using a gas grill to cook the meat."


Who is the man? à The man is a retired school teacher.

What is he doing?àHe is barbecuing.

Where is he barbecuing? à He is barbecuing outside of his house. 

When does he like to barbecue? àHe likes to barbecue on Sunday afternoon.

Why is he barbecuing? àBecause he loves to cook for his family and friends.

How is the meat being cooked? à The meat is being cooked on a gas grill.

( 知識學習語言 )
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