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2022/06/09 09:29:24瀏覽206|回應0|推薦0 | |
今天的暖身一樣是想像力練習!準備一個假的電話,讓孩子假裝跟某人對話,其他孩子可以猜他對話的對象是誰,情景是什麼? 步驟如下: 1. The student talks on the phone with an imaginary person and expresses everything they imagined to "hear"; the audience can guess the relationship between the other person and the actor and the content of the call through the students dialogue. 2. Example: Some received an emergency call from a relative to the hospital; some called to ask about homework assignments; some called to ask friends to go out to play; some received a call from a tutor to come home to visit... 記得上一次已經分組,選好要演的短劇了嗎?這時候老師們可以再給孩子看一次短視頻,然後每個孩子都要選好自己要演的角色。 這時候可以利用一個學習單來讓孩子更了解自己的角色,上網可以找Character Study的教學來看,我這邊是參考其他的學習單,再自行製作的,老師們可以參考: 影片片段在這裡,給大家溫故知新: 哈利波特:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f99w0oGsGcI 動物方程式:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aeij-oc-18s 有多的時間的話,可以把電影看完,或是做第五點:character traits的練習,應該有一些孩子對於形容人的英文不是很熟悉,老師也可以藉此教孩子更多的單字。下一篇文章我會附上我自己打的台詞劇本。那就下一次見囉~ 點我進兒童戲劇第一堂課 |
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