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兒童戲劇的第四堂課:Concentration and Memorization
2022/05/08 02:19:03瀏覽128|回應0|推薦0




1. Sitting in a circle, the instructor took out an empty bowl, told the classmates that it was a bowl with Chinese medicine, and then spread it out.

2. Please imagine that the bowl is filled with "Twenty Four Flavors" or "Bitter Tea" and respond. The procedure is as follows:

a. Take the bowl and imagine seeing and smelling Chinese medicine.

b. Pick up the bowl, drink the imaginary "Twenty Four Flavors", and then show the scene at that time, for example:

Some smelled the smell of Chinese medicine from a distance and showed aversion to the smell; some held a cup of Chinese medicine and imagined the smell, and hesitated to drink; some had the courage to prepare to drink, and then stopped; Some drank it in one breath, but vomited; some pinched their nose to drink; some drank sugar as soon as possible...

c. After drinking, pass the bowl to the next classmate.


記憶力的練習可以玩:sandwich to go~外帶一份三明治!這個遊戲還可以先教孩子三明治裡面的食材,是個寓教於樂的遊戲呢!讓孩子圍成一圈,指定一個孩子開始外帶。第一個孩子先說 I would like a to-go sandwich with lettuce,下一個小朋友就要再加一個食材:I would like a to-go sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes,以此類推,直到忘記食材的孩子為止。 


  1. Instruct your students to sit in a circle on the floor. 
  2. Choose one person to start the game. He will start by saying, "I would like a to-go sandwich with lettuce." 
  3. The next person is going to repeat what was just said, but add one more ingredient to the sandwich. An example would be, "I would like a to-go sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes." The aim is to see how high the students can build the sandwich without making a mistake. 
  4. If a student forgets an ingredient, the next person in the circle has to start a new round. Of course, the ingredients in the next sandwich may be quite different.




  1. Have all your actors start walking around the room. 
  2. At any given moment, one of the actors should stop walking. 
  3. When this happens, all the actors need to stop walking as quickly as possible. This must happen without any signaling or verbal communication. 
  4. Once everyone has stopped walking, they can start up again and continue the cycle. Remind the actors that anyone can stop at any time. When one person stops, everyone else must stop as quickly as possible. 
  5. Do not allow the actors to start another round until they have made sure everybody has stopped.




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