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2022/05/06 02:19:05瀏覽198|回應0|推薦0 | |
簽好合約了,孩子們已經答應會尊重他人,而且參與、have fun在每一堂課。我們可以開始暖身!若是有鋼琴,老師可以自己彈音階,幫助孩子暖喉熱聲,或是網路上很多視頻都有,搜尋vocal warm up即可,約莫五到十分鐘。 接著可以開始一個想像遊戲!叫做:Grasss Dream 老師需準備一些純伴奏的音樂,我喜歡搜尋prayer music,因為這通常是讓人放鬆的音樂。注意環境要安靜、放鬆,孩子要專心聽老師引導。 步驟如下: 1. Ask the students to find an empty spot in the classroom, shrink their whole body, close their eyes, imagine that they are a small grass, and play situational music. 2. The instructor began to describe in natural and gentle language, and asked students to conduct internal and external department changes: a. Students imagine that they are very small grass, sucking nutrients and breathing fresh air every day... I feel like facing the breeze, like to keep swaying in the wind... b. But around me, there are always many people walking up and down, and almost being stepped on several times, if not the wind is helping, and may have already died. c. How do you want to become a big tree...a tree...big tree...thinking about it, you feel like you are muddled. Your body is changing, swelling slowly, and your whole body is constantly stretching. You seem to hear everything about yourself. The knots are creaking, your arms have become thick branches, and your fingers have become thick leaves... d. Slowly...Slowly, the longer and taller you are, the taller and taller you are...You have grown into a towering tree. People have become so small...You are the biggest tree in this city, the wind is your friend, the cloud is your confidant, and the bird is your relative. See tall buildings, see streets... e. Supply fresh oxygen to the city every day, the city becomes beautiful because of you. People are grateful for that 想像力遊戲只是個暖身,孩子們還不認識彼此的名字呢!我們來自我介紹吧!讓孩子用特殊或是搞笑的聲音講自己的名字,然後配上一個動作,下一個學生去模仿,再接著自己的名字加動作。到最後看有沒有志願者可以把全班所有人的名字和動作都記起來!給他個獎勵吧! 步驟如下: 1. Have the actors form a circle. Go around the circle and have everyone say their name. Do not comment on it or tell the other actors they have to memorize the names. The actors responses have to work subconsciously. 2. Have the actors stand in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person say his or her own name twice. As they do so, have them use a distinctive and unusual voice and put an action with it. 3. Go around the circle again and have each person repeat their name and action twice, only this time, the other actors should join in. They can join in on the first or second beat and repeat the name and action of the other actor. 4. Have one of the actors say the name and action of any other actor, with the same unusual voice and the action that goes with it. The person whose name and action they mention will then repeat this process for a different actor. 5. See if any other actors can go around the entire group and repeat the other actors names and actions. 如果課堂還有時間,就加碼玩紅綠燈!你說green的時候大家要繞著教室走,當你說red的時候全部人都要停止走路,當你說yellow的時候,孩子坐在地板或是椅子上。動作錯誤的人進入淘汰區,老師也可以請淘汰區的孩子幫忙看誰動做錯了,或是請淘汰區的孩子當喊紅綠燈的人,讓他們不會覺得玩不到,老師也可以休息一下。 步驟如下: 1. Have your actors spread out around the room and explain in the following way: 我當初寫教案的時候,主要是參考一個中文網站,我將一些遊戲翻譯成英文好使用在課堂上(畢竟是美語補習班,教案都要寫英文讓中師、外師都可以讀)。我還有參考一本書叫做:275 Acting Games,是一位老師借給我的,我覺得這本書非常好用。我自己後來也有買,想說以後也是可以用裡面的遊戲帶團康,非常推薦給有在帶戲劇遊戲的老師唷。 網址可以參考:http://www.kidstheater.org 課堂結束,孩子們已經認識同學,也做了imagination and memorization practice!下一堂課是做body awareness and observation practice,就在下一篇文章再解釋吧! 點我進兒童戲劇第一堂課 |
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