Flower lyrics
Wrapped in a blanket of hope
Asleep in the of dreams
My step into eternity was not what it might have been
Or not at all
For who knows which way the wind is gonna blow
I’m waiting for your gentle whisper
Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me
An act of balancing, imagining the moment I can be
Looking deep into your eyes
For now a mystery
Or not at all
For who knows which way the wind is gonna blow
I’m waiting for your gentle whisper
(From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/k/kylie-minogue-lyrics/flower-lyrics.html)
Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me
2 hearts in the hands of time
Your love bleeds into mine
I’ll be with you forever
And give you everything I am
Want you to understand
It’s you and I together
Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me
凱莉米農說她恐怕永遠當不成媽媽。Flower 是她寫給自己可能會有,也可能不會有的孩子的情歌。這是凱莉 2007年接受乳癌治療時所寫的,最近才錄製放進專輯 The Abbey Road Sessions 裏。
經歷過多次不順遂的愛情之路後,2008年開始與男友 Andres Velencoso 交往的凱莉,今年44歲,她說,她不排除她終會成為母親的一天。她說,我可以感覺到。
*** 以上內容摘自 2012年9月29日澳洲太陽報娛樂版標題 Kylie‘s poignant baby plea 凱莉淒美的嬰兒呼求
妮可與前夫湯姆離婚的時候,她傷心痛苦,但是仍然表示她還是愛湯姆。離婚後也不諱言自己希望再結婚。後來她遇到 Keith Urban,墜入愛河,結婚而且有了自己的骨肉。
凱莉從30多歲之後,就經常聽到她在記者採訪時坦誠自己年紀大,企望能早日找到歸宿,以免過了生育期。五年前凱莉39歲,當時正與一個法國男星交往順利,突然身體不適發現得了乳癌。法國男友陪在身邊一年多後分手。2008年凱莉遇到 Andres Velencoso 交往至今。