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2015/01/11 09:26:52瀏覽2713|回應33|推薦153 | |
十二個查理週刊雜誌被殺的媒體人之一,主編史提芬查博尼爾的同居人41歲的 Jeannette Bougrab 一直督促其枕邊人辭掉工作離開法國,因為她相信他遲早會被謀殺。史提芬不肯。 Jeannette 說,「我的男人死了,他因為在報紙上畫漫畫死了,他不屈服而死了。」 「他沒有自己的孩子,因為他知道他會死。他對死沒有恐懼,但是他知道他會死。」 「他拒絕宗教涉政,他支持世俗,他本身就是理想共和所結的果子。」 當槍殺新聞爆發的時候,Jeannette 正在開會,立刻發手機短信,一次,兩次,三次,後來打電話,史提芬終究沒有接到。”我趕到現場,獲知他已經死亡。“ Jeannette 是政府公務人員,她說「我是查理」的抗議口號不是勝利,而是失敗的信號。 「它是個失敗,是我們國家的悲劇。我拒絕跟抗議人群一起在街上歡呼,因為他們奪去了我的生命伴侶。」 她說,她要向法國總統請求讓史提芬葬在法國英雄之墓 。 ------------------------------------------------- 【所附英文社論的摘要翻譯】 西方國家的抗議人群舉著筆,喊著口號「我是查理。」 那是謊言。伊斯蘭的恐怖組織又贏了。 也門的阿喀噠襲擊查理週刊雜誌社,並不是因為我們是查理,而是針對查理而已。查理敢用漫畫公開侮辱伊斯蘭教的先知,侮辱伊斯蘭宗教。 澳洲媒體絕對不敢發表那種圖片,萬一犯錯都是禁忌。美國總統奧巴馬三年前就公開指責查理雜誌的穆罕默德裸體的漫畫是極度侵犯。他也告訴聯合國,”未來不是屬於那些冒犯伊斯蘭先知的人。” 我們都是查理? 如果在澳洲,查理週刊肯定會被今天這些抗議者控訴直到銷聲匿跡。 澳洲有明文法律禁止詆毀宗教,根據這個法律,有兩個基督教牧師被制裁,因為他們引用可蘭經的的教導當作笑話。 種族詆毀也是澳洲法律所禁止的,現任總理艾伯特雖然對這個不是很重視,但是也決定不修改法律。他考慮修改法律會讓澳洲的穆斯林無法融入。 澳洲的媒體說,伊斯蘭宗教是和平的宗教,大家都不懂為什麼一個理想的宗教會觸發教友犯罪。他們說,恐怖主義跟伊斯蘭教是不相干的。 筆鋒會比刀劍鋒利嗎?問問查理雜誌創辦人吧! ------------------------------------------------- 【Andrew Bolt 專欄社論】 Are we really all Charlie? No, no and shamefully no 我們真的是查理嗎?不是的。 ![]() Sydney crowds honour slain Charlie Hebdo staff. Picture: AFP PROTESTERS around the West, horrified by the massacre in Paris, have held up pens and chanted “Je suis Charlie” — I am Charlie. They lie. The Islamist terrorists are winning, and the coordinated attacks on the Charlie Hebdomagazine and kosher shop will be just one more success. One more step to our gutless surrender. Al-Qaeda in Yemen didn’t attack Charlie Hebdo because we are all Charlie Hebdo. The opposite. It sent in the brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi because Charlie Hebdo was almost alone. Unlike most politicians, journalists, lawyers and other members of our ruling classes, this fearless magazine dared to mock Islam in the way the Left routinely mocks Christianity. Unlike much of our ruling class, it refused to sell out our freedom to speak. Its greatest sin — to the Islamists — was to republish the infamous cartoons of Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten which mocked Mohammed, and then to publish even more of its own, including one showing the Muslim prophet naked. Are we really all Charlie? No, no and shamefully no. No Australian newspaper dared published those pictures, too, bar one which did so in error. The Obama administration three years ago even attacked Charlie Hebdo for publishing the naked Mohammed cartoon, saying it was “deeply offensive”. President Barack Obama even told the United Nations “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” and damned a YouTube clip “Innocence of Muslims” which did just that. The filmmaker was thrown in jail. We are all Charlie? In Australia, Charlie Hebdo would almost certainly be sued into silence, to the cheers of some of the very protesters now claiming to be its great defenders. HOW BROTHERS MORPHED INTO KILLERS HOSTAGES ‘HUDDLED LIKE ANIMALS’ IN FRIDGE Victoria now has absurd religious vilification laws, thanks to Labor, that were first used to punish two Christian preachers who at a seminar quoted the Koran’s teaching on jihad and — complained the judge — made their audience laugh. Australia also has oppressive racial vilification laws which Prime Minister Tony Abbott had promised to relax but last year decided to keep, saying changing them would become a “complication” in making Muslim Australians side with the rest of us against jihadists. One more surrender, and did you note how most “serious” journalists brayed for this muzzle? Celebrated when two of my own articles were banned? But our journalists haven’t really needed a muzzle. They have been only too eager to shut themselves up rather than call out the growing threat of jihadism, brought to us by insanely stupid programs of mass immigration from the Third World. When Dutch political leader Geert Wilders toured Australia to warn against the danger Islamism posed to our physical safety and our freedom, he was treated as a pariah and the protesters who pushed and heckled his audience were handed the microphone instead. When jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” shot dead US soldiers at Fort Hood or coffee shop patrons in Sydney, ABC and Fairfax journalists pretended they had no idea what ideology could have motivated such slaughter. When Boko Haram jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” kidnapped nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls, forcing them to convert to Islam and selling them to be raped, Islamist apologist and terrorism lecturer Waleed Aly refused even to acknowledge on Channel 10 that Boko Haram actually had an Islamist agenda, describing it merely as a group of vigilantes. And when SBS filmed the then Mufti of Australia, Sheik Hilaly, praising suicide bombers as heroes in the Lakemba mosque just days before the September 11 attacks, it refused to air the footage for fear we might get the “wrong idea”. This will go on. Be sure of it. Your ruling classes will not easily admit to having made an error that cannot now be fixed. It will prefer oppression to freedom, if that brings at least the illusion of peace — and many may even think they are right. Hear already the lies. You are told Muslim groups condemn the killings as unIslamic. Yet the Koran and Hadith preach death to unbelievers who mock Islam, and tell of Mohammed killing poets, singing girls and others who made fun of him. No greater authority than the Ayatollah Khomeini, the then spiritual ruler of Iran, ordered the killing of writer Salman Rushdie for making mock of Islam in his The Satanic Verses. We are also told the pen is mightier than the sword, but tell that to the people in the Charlie Hebdo office who found their fistfuls of pens no match for two Kalashnikovs. Tell that now to even the brave leaders of Jyllands-Posten, who, after years of jihadist plots against their staff have had enough, refusing now to republish cartoons from Charlie Hebdo for fear of yet more attacks. “It shows that violence works,” it admitted. Everywhere you will find other papers making the same call. We are all Charlie? Bull. Absolute self-serving rubbish. The sell-outs are everywhere and will grow stronger. The West’s political leaders have already told Muslim leaders they agree that mocking Islam is a sin, and have even passed laws — in France, too — making it unlawful. They have attacked the very few journalists and politicians who dared warn against the Islamist threat. Some now back Muslim demands for a boycott of Israel or at least greater recognition for the terrorists who run large parts of Palestinian territory. Anything for peace, even if it means submission. And for all the protests this past week, submission is what you must expect. 延伸閱讀文章: 查理布朗還真衰 延伸閱讀文章: 惡搞異族文化 不是幽默 |
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