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2015/01/12 07:28:57瀏覽1009|回應2|推薦48 | |
當法國「查理周刊」(Charlie Hebdo)巴黎總部7日遭武裝歹徒,造成12人死亡的事件發生後,你可以看到,西方世界開始無奈地說"這是言論自由的層面."只是,真是如此嗎?當然不是.西方民主的標準就是,我認為是民主的,就是民主.這張漫畫,就被禁止.理由是,揭露西方的醜惡面,散布仇視以色列的思想. 當我知道說,這些漫畫家用查理布朗來做為雜誌的社名時,還真覺得"查理布朗還真衰."真是干他何事?他只是一個'永遠犯相同錯誤的人'的寫照.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has opened the floodgates of criticism by going uninvited(不請自來) to the rally in Paris held in protest at recent killings in the French capital.
【《紐約時報》不登查理漫畫是懦弱嗎? 】紐約時報在巴黎雜誌屠殺事件後,因決定不隨其他媒體刊登《查理週報》諷刺回教先知穆罕默德的漫畫,而備受西方部分人士批評懦弱。紐約時報主編沈默多日,在大遊行後,決定公開紐約時報為何最終決定不刊登查理周刊漫畫。紐時認為即使言論自由應該保障各種言論,但無端地侮辱穆斯林讀者,不是紐約時報相信的媒體原則。紐時最終決定堅守時報準則,一方面聲援也支持查理周刊的言論自由及譴責恐怖暴力,但另一方面不刊登其侮辱性的漫畫。 The first image is a cartoon that was published by the Sydney Morning Herald on July 26, 2014. The image was retracted from the paper's website eight days later and the cartoonist was fired on grounds of "racial vilification, not only in the sense of offending, insulting, humiliating and intimidating Jews as a group, but also in the sense of inciting third parties to hatred of Jews." The image depicts an elderly Israeli man wearing a kippah, with a remote control in his hand, sitting in an armchair on top of hill, watching bombs raining down on Gaza. The next two images are photographs, one of a kippah-wearing Israeli sitting on a couch on a hilltop watching Israeli attacks on Gaza on July 19, 2014, the other of Israelis (some wearing kippahs) having front row seats to the bombing of Gaza on a hill in Sderot. 第一個圖像是出版了悉尼先驅晨報7月26日動畫片,2014年的圖像是從紙張的網站縮回八天以後和漫畫家被解僱了“種族中傷,不僅在違規感的理由,侮辱,羞辱和恐嚇猶太人作為一個群體,而且在煽動第三方猶太人的仇恨感。“圖像描繪了一個老人以色列男子身穿基巴,用遙控器在他的手,坐在在山頂上的扶手椅,看著炸彈對加沙下雨了。接下來的兩個圖像的照片中,一個基巴穿著以色列坐在上在山頂上觀看以色列襲擊加沙沙發上2014年7月19日,其他以色列人(有的穿著kippahs)有前排座椅加沙的轟炸在斯德洛特一座小山上。
網路文章 Why I Am Not Charlie Hebdo In 2011, when Charlie Hebdo's offices were firebombed I wrote an article titled, The Politics of Provocation: What the Firebombing of Charlie Hebdo Magazine Means. In that post I noted that Hebdo's purpose in publishing its racist & Islampohobic cartoons was to provoke, specifically its favorite target being Islam & Muslims (particularly French Muslims), " 'Charlie Hebdo knew what it was doing, they wished to provoke, they created a buzz & got world-wide media attention for their magazine which had little following outside of France.' "I wrote then that the best response 'for those offended or upset would have been to peacefully protest, or to satirize the Charlie Hebdo publication, or to do as most have done & simply ignore it.' "I also related the suffocating xenophobic, anti-Muslim context of France with its marginalization of its Muslim & African minorities in all spheres of the social & political life of the nation & the increase in hate crimes against Muslims (since then matters have worsened), " 'Lastly, the untold context in which this French saga must be viewed is the souring relations between the French establishment & their Muslim minority. Islam has been "otherized" in France & across Europe, just as it has in the States, but in France it is taken to the next level. " 'In the past few years, anti-Muslim bigotry has risen to epidemic proportions. The hijab was banned from public schools, the face veil has been banned altogether, and after a surge in popular support for Marine Le Pen's anti-Muslim nationalist party, Sarkozy and co. instituted an unprecedented "national dialgoue" on Islam. " 'According to a recent report Islamophobia is rapidly on the increase in France…' "It appears that Alqaeda in Yemen, a foreign, non-French entity is playing its own politics of provocation. It wishes to, as Juan Cole aptly notes 'sharpen the contradictions' & foment a greater clash between Muslims & non-Muslims in France. Of course, there are far too many willing to oblige such a plan, since as we have noted from the start, extremists on both sides, feed off of each other like parasitic leeches. "So why am I not Charlie Hebdo? Why can't I join the feel good Twitter trend, #JeSuisCharlie? "I cannot in good conscience lie & say that those murdered were 'martyrs of free speech.' I believe what happened was a massacre, despicable & the result of the cynical ploys of a foreign extremist organization that masquerades under the banner of Islam, when all they wish to achieve is power for themselves–damned be the Muslims who suffer because of their actions. "See, at the same time as these paramilitary style terrorists were mowing down French Muslim police officer Ahmed Merabet, who was the first on the scene to help at the Hebdo offices, 35 Yemeni Muslim police cadets were blown up by one of Alqaeda's bombs. Yet, no one considers them part of the story? "I cannot say 'JeSuisCharlie' because I know what this neo-liberal* publication stood for: racist, sexist & Islamophobic hate speech. Take just a few samples out of many:" “我不能良心的謊言和說,那些謀殺者”言論自由的烈士。“我相信,事情的經過是一場屠殺,卑鄙與外國極端組織伊斯蘭的旗幟下偽裝,的玩世不恭伎倆的結果時,他們所希望實現的是功率為自己該死的是誰,因為他們的行動遭受穆斯林。 "The hypocrisy of Charlie Hebdo when it comes to free speech must also be pointed out. It fired one of its cartoonists for the offense of anti-Semitism because it mocked a former French president's son who converted to Judaism, as NBC reporter Ayman Mohyeldin wrote, " 'Hebdo fired one of its cartoonists & accused him of anti-semitism because he mocked the son of a former living French President who converted to Judiasm. Why is mocking a living person anti-Semitic hate speech but mocking sacred religious figures not? Who decides what is anti-Semitic & who decides what is Islamophobic?' "This is not a tabloid whose record of hate speech & hypocrisy should be whitewashed into a monument to martyrs of free speech. It's satire was aimed against the oppressed & for the benefit of the powerful. "Lastly, I again would emphasize that there is no justification for the massacre in Paris or in Yemen carried out by Alqaeda, I hope the perpetrators are caught & speedily brought to justice so the families can have some semblance of peace & solace. "However, in the process Muslims should not have their individuality denied & erased, by being asked to condemn over & over actions which they had no part to play in but are considered guilty of because of their mere presence." |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |