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2013/08/23 02:00:34瀏覽341|回應0|推薦3 | |
如果您常報怨什麼都漲只有薪水不漲﹐看看印度這個自以為不久就能趕超中國的金磚國家﹐也許﹐我只說也許﹐您心裡會好過些… For India's Inflation Crisis, See Onion Prices 印度的通膨危機當看洋蔥價格 原著﹕By Brendan Greeley and Kartik Goyal on July 25, 2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-07-25/for-indias-inflation-crisis-see-onion-prices Apples are too expensive now, so Shilpa Gethe settles for bananas. She doesn’t have an easy substitute for onions. Gethe, 32, a housewife in the Mumbai suburb of Vashi, buys more than four pounds of onions a week. About two months ago a pound cost 10 rupees (17¢). Since then the price has doubled, she says. A 500-rupee note used to get her through a week of vegetables. Now it’s two days, sometimes less. To stick to her monthly budget, Gethe sends her husband to work with a packed lunch. “I have to put in more work,” she says. 蘋果現在太貴了﹐Shilpa Gethe只好以香蕉來替代﹐她沒有容易的法子替代洋蔥﹐Gethe 32歲﹐孟買城郊Vashi高級區的一位家庭主婦﹐她每禮拜大約要買四磅多洋蔥。 她說大約兩個月前每磅洋蔥只花十盧比(17美分)﹐此後價格漲了一倍﹐一張五百盧比的鈔票以前可供一個星期蔬菜的開銷﹐現在只夠兩天﹐有時更短。 為了要堅持她的每月預算﹐Gethe給上班的丈夫帶便當﹐她說﹕「我必須抓緊些。」 India’s perennial battle with inflation is enshrined in a humble staple: the onion. On July 15, the nation’s commerce ministry reported that the price of onions had shot up 114 percent since June 2012. Consumer price inflation rose 9.9 percent in the 12 months through June—the biggest jump among the BRIC nations. It was 6.7 percent in Brazil, 6.9 percent in Russia, and just 2.7 percent in China. 印度長久與通膨的鬥爭竟被貢在一個毫不起眼的主食上﹕洋蔥。 七月十五日﹐國家的商業部長報告﹐自2012六月洋蔥的價格上竄了百分之一百一十四。 消費者價格十二個月到六月上漲了9.9%﹐金磚國家之中跳得最高的﹐巴西6.7%﹐俄羅斯6.9%﹐而中國只有2.7%。 Rising prices for food—which makes up slightly more than half of the consumer index—are the main culprit. Other staples, tomatoes for instance, have also registered large price jumps. But it’s the onion that’s the national bellwether. The vegetable is a key ingredient in the Mughal cuisine of much of the country. Annual per-capita consumption stood at 18.1 lb. in 2009, a bit under the 20 lb. per year in the U.S., according to figures supplied by the National Onion Association, a Colorado-based trade group. India is the world’s No. 2 producer of the vegetable after China. 食物價格的上漲是主犯﹐它佔了消費指數一半多。 其它主食﹐如番茄也記錄下了大幅度價格竄升。 但是洋蔥才是國家的領頭羊﹐洋蔥是印度許多 Mughal 烹飪的關鍵配料。 2009印度洋蔥的年度人均消費為18.1磅﹐比美國20磅少一點點。 根據以科羅拉多為基地的商貿團體﹐國家洋蔥協會提供的數字﹐印度(20%)是世界上在中國(27%)之後洋蔥產量第二高的國家。 … 欲知詳情﹐請看以上網址。 |
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