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2009/05/24 11:14:38瀏覽951|回應2|推薦21 | |
(1) 經濟持續蕭條。科技重鎮淪陷。該役無人倖免。 Recession continues to strike. A high-tech stronghold fell. Nobody survived. (2) 有一鏢客,號曰北橋,南下憑弔。見人去籃框空,癲池吐白泡,高樓未塌賓客渺,烈陽炙烤著荒場蔓草。 A drifting gunner, nicknamed Northbridge (NB), rode down south to check it out. (As it turns out, south is the direction things tend to go these days). He saw a lonely hoop missing players, a delirious pool spitting froth, and establishments deprived of hosts, all under the scorching sun that highlighted deserted parks and unrestrained wild vines. (3) 正沉重嘆息,忽然冒出一隻野火雞,嚇人一跳。是哪個塞得太飽的感恩節剩下的,竟膽敢打斷北橋的歷史思考。 While NB was sighing seriously, jumping out of nowhere was a wild turkey which scared the hell out of him. Spared by some overstuffed Thanksgiving it dared to show up and disrupt NB's historical musing. (4) 無案在身卻亡命天涯的北橋,怒從心上起,惡向膽邊生,決定獵殺此無禮盤中物。 Innocent yet forced to run for his life, NB summoned his less admirable nature. He was truly aroused and determined to go after this impudent piece of poultry. (5) 詎料此肉雖腦小如豆,耳目聰明卻遠勝中年獵人北橋。這番史無前例的追捕,火雞瞻之在前,忽焉在後,北橋汗滴氣喘,喀嚓失焦。 But this meat, though equipped with a mere peanut-size brain, had a hearing and vision far keener than its middle-aged hunter. In the unprecedented chase NB produced profuse sweat, labored breathing and ill-focused shots while the turkey appeared to be everywhere. (6) 狡詐的火雞從陽關大道轉戰叢林,北橋的視線愈來愈糟。 The cunning turkey retreated from the main road into forest. NB's line of sight was further obscured. (7) 北橋改變策略,急行軍將此禽驅離樹林,逼入牆角,終於逮個正著! Time to change strategy. NB expelled it with a decisive rush, cornered it, and captured it right in the frame! (8) 野火雞繼續牠的城市傳奇,北橋恢復他的歷史思考,人禽相安,各走各的道。 The wild turkey continued its urban legend, and NB resumed his historical musing. A harmony was reached between man and poultry, when each chose a respective route. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |