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Make our destiny a masterpiece!
2007/12/14 08:11:15瀏覽382|回應0|推薦1

The Architect

There was an architect who had worked for many years at a construction company. Throughout his career, he had designed and built many houses and buildings for the company, and now he was getting ready to retire.

One day, the CEO summoned him into the executive office. "You've done great work for us over the years; now I have one last job for you before you retire," the CEO said.

"I want you to design the best house possible and take charge of the entire project from beginning to end. I have already picked a prime location. All you have to do is purchase the best material and hire the most experienced construction crew to build it. Spare no expense!"

The architect saw this as an opportunity. If he were the only one in charge of the project, then no one else would know if he took a few liberties here and there. Now that he was about to retire, this would be the last chance for him to make a little extra money.

The architect requested a lavish budget but spent only a portion of it on lower-grade material and the least expensive workers available. In order to save on labor costs, he rushed the project to completion. Then he reported to the CEO that he was done with his last job.

"Great!" the CEO beamed. "Let's go take a look."

When they arrived at the house, the architect was surprised to see all of his coworkers outside, admiring and commenting on his design. He did not panic, because the house was locked, so no one could go inside to take a closer look. The architect knew all the tricks of the trade and he had used them to make the house look good on the outside. He was not concerned.

The CEO gathered everyone together and cleared his throat: "As you all know, the architect has done great work for us over the years, and now he is ready to retire. This house is his final masterpiece."

He presented the house key to the architect and announced: "The best way for us to thank him for his years of dedicated service – is to give this masterpiece to him as the perfect retirement present!"

As everyone erupted in wild applause, the architect stood in stunned disbelief.

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