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要真正一元復始,就要一心向道; 而萬象更新,就是讓我們的心清清靜靜。 真正身體健康,就是要惜命護生,我們愛惜所有的生物,每一個生命都要保護它,自然我們就能身體健康。 While making a new year’s resolution, we should all vow to put in our heart and soul to Tao, purify our thoughts, keep in good shape, and protect our environment. 要怎樣才能萬事如意,就是要萬善奉行; 要心想事成,就要心端身正; 想要大吉大利,就要大慈大悲。 Likewise, for our dreams to come true, we should also resolve to rectify our mind and behavior, practice virtuous deeds and be merciful and compassionate. 這些都是我們平常過年互相恭喜的吉祥話,只要我們做得到,自然就來到我們身邊,懂不懂? These New Year’s congratulatory greetings are simply guidelines for us to bring about good luck, but we have to fully implement them. Understand? 你們有沒有孝順? Are you filial and obedient to your parents? 跟父母講話有沒有很大聲? Do you talk back loudly? 有沒有對爸爸媽媽講話很親切? Are you considerate enough? 你們知道上天為何派我來嗎? Do you know why our Heavenly Mater assigned me to give a lecture here? 因為我在世時,除了能孝順父母親,有好吃的東西,父母先吃;也會儘量讓我的父母高高興興,這叫做悅親,這樣你們會不會? Because when I was alive, I fulfilled filial duties by letting my parents eat first and trying my best to make them happy. Can you also do that? 你的朋友如果在生氣,你們是不是會說:「唉呀,怎麼了?發生什麼事了?不要生氣呀!」 Sometimes you pay more attention to your friends than to your parents. When your friends look unhappy, you always console them by saying, “Why? What happened? Take it easy!” 當我們父母生氣的時候,我們都如何?「不要理他,那麼愛生氣,誰有辦法啊!」 However, when your parents are angry, you murmur, “Never mind. They are always grumpy. I cannot do anything about it.” 可以如此嗎? Is it really that way? 因為現在社會上經濟發達,物質豐富,大家都有得吃、有得穿,所以這些經濟上的物質,都沒有什麼問題,但是就差這麼一點點,缺少對父母親的體貼、問候。 With the rise of living standard, now everyone is living a very comfortable life, but what is lacking is true heart and warm concern. 所以,今天我來的最大目的,就是希望各位濟公的好徒弟,能學習如何孝順父母,能將真誠拿出來,與父母間相處快樂融洽。 Therefore, the main purpose for me to be here is to let you know that you are very honored and privileged to be Ji Gong Living Buddha’s disciples, and that you should fulfill filial duties to your parents by showing your true heart to them. You will feel peace and harmony being with them. 年紀大的人,也要好好照顧自己, As for the senior people, you should also take care of yourself. 該運動的時候,就要好好運動;飲食也要清淡一點, Regular exercise and plain food are very important. 別過油、過鹹,為了口腹之慾,害了自己的身體,這樣是不孝喔,知不知道? Foods added with too much flavoring like grease and salt may be tasty, but they are very harmful for your health. Understand? 盡孝,第一就是要把自己照顧好;第二要把自己的行為品行端正好。在自己的生活中、家庭中,跟大家和諧相處,讓家庭和樂,這樣也是盡孝啊! To fulfill filial duties, first you have to take good care of yourself, and then rectify your mind and behavior, getting along with people in peace and harmony. 最重要的,我們肯來修道、肯學習,讓自己越來越好,讓我們的人生能發揮它的價值,這樣就是對父母盡最大的孝,知道嗎? Most importantly, you cultivate Tao and make yourself better; leading a life of greatest worth. This is the highest level of filial piety. Understand? 希望各位常常笑, Smile more often and the world will smile with you. 對父母笑一笑,父母子女之間感情就會好;夫妻之間時常笑,感情就會越來越好;兄弟姊妹朋友之間,看對方不要一張臉臭臭的, Smile not only to your parents, but also to your spouse,your brothers and sisters and your friends. 笑一笑,手足之情就會更堅固,朋友之情越來越深厚,懂嗎? Hence the relationships will get better, the love gets deeper, and the bond gets stronger too. Understand? 祝福各位身體健康、萬事如意、心想事成、大吉大利, I wish you good health, your dreams come true, and all the good luck goes to you! 那麼要怎麼做呢?(要惜命護生、萬善奉行、心端身正、大慈大悲) But what do you have to do in order to receive my blessings? (Conserve lives and environment, rectify our mind and behavior, practice virtuous deeds and be infinitely merciful and compassionate.) 你們現在都學到了,不錯哦! Yes, you are right. Good for you! 希望有機會我們能夠再見面,不過機會真的很少,我不知道下次什麼時候才能夠排到我? I hope to see you soon, but opportunity is really rare, I really do not know how much time I have to wait to see you again. 所以你們要把握機會,祝福大家都有收穫,回到家真正改變,能夠越來越好,才不枉費來這裡,好不好?再見! But anyway, may you all have a big harvest today and really become a changed person. Do not idle away you time, all right? Goodbye! 發一同義毓佛宮January 25, 2004 老萊子大仙慈悲白話訓 The Holy Teachings of Venerable Lao Lai-zi |
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