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心情隨筆心情日記 2009/01/05 14:41:43


Drinking water, think of its source.

Fulfill filial piety to one’s parents.


活佛老師慈悲囑語:Holy Teacher Ji Gong Living Buddha’s oracles:


Everything has its source, just like a tree has its root. Your parents give birth to you – no one can leap out from a stone – so you must be grateful to them. This is the meaning of a Chinese saying, “Drinking water, think of its source.” And it should be extended to your siblings. If you do not get along with your brothers and sisters, who share the same background with you, how can you expect to get along with your friends coming from completely different environments, especially they may simply be party friends who leave you alone when you are in need.

2009/01/05 14:41:43 |瀏覽 1431 回應 0 推薦 0 引用 0
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