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2008/02/27 19:00:56瀏覽1140|回應0|推薦3


There are also some people whose fathers lie sick in bed

all the year round. After one or two months’ care,

they start to lose patience and make complaints.

Some even wish their fathers to die soon.

This is also a very unfilial thing to do.


What a great honor and privilege it is to attend to

our parents alive! If they passed away, they would

never come back to life again.

And we would never be able to fulfill filial piety.

This is what we should all keep in mind. 


So be kind and polite to your parents and

perfect the affinity with them.

Maybe they leave much room for improvement,

but they are your parents. Just fulfill filial piety to them!


While cultivating Tao, you are making an influence

on your family too. You will love and respect your parents,

be benevolent and merciful to your children,

and I am sure your entire family will eventually

live in perfect harmony and joy. 

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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