這個月我們繼續請大家欣賞一首電影音樂, 跟上個月一樣,是帶有夏天字眼的老電影(1959年), A Summer Place,中文的電影譯名是《畸戀》。 演的是一對愛情沒有得到正果的男女, 分開後各自結婚。等到兒女長大後, 第二代竟然也相遇,墜入情網的故事。 聽起來,跟不久以前很夯的韓劇《愛情雨》類似的劇情。
這個音樂是電影裡頭的配樂由 Max Steiner作曲, Percy Faith在1960年加以改編, 並由他的大樂隊演奏,這個版本大受歡迎。 在暢想曲的排行榜上高居后座達九個星期之久。 這裡貼的是Andy Williams 的歌曲版, 以及Percy Faith的純音樂版。
A Summer Place – Andy Williams
Theres a summer place Where it may rain or storm Yet Im safe and warm For within that summer place Your arms reach out to me And my heart is free from all care For it knows There are no gloomy skies When seen through the eyes Of those who are blessed with love
And the sweet secret of A summer place Is that its anywhere When two people share All their hopes All their dreams All their love
And the sweet secret of A summer place Is that its anywhere When two people share All their hopes All their dreams All their love