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I was talking to someone about the glycemic index and they looked at me like I was from another planet. I realized that the concept wasn't as wide spread as I had thought, so I thought I would jot down a few things to help with understanding.


The glycemic index came about as a result of trying to determine how different foods impact your blood sugar levels. The more impact the food has, the higher it is on the glycemic index. For example white bread has a GE of around 70, and oat raison bread (whole grain) has a GE of around 47. jelly beans are around 80, while cherries come in at a low 22. What does all that really mean to you?

血糖指數試圖測定不同的食物如何影響血糖值。較高的血糖指數的食物有更多的影響,例如一個白麵包GI值約 70,含燕麥麵包(全麥)GI值約 47 。jelly beans 80左右,而櫻桃是低GI 值約22。這些對你有什麼意義呢?

If you eat foods that quickly elevate your blood sugar, you may experience a sugar rush; you will then have a crash due to the roller coaster effect of that high. You will also become hungrier more quickly. Food with a low GE will not have that effect. The impact on your blood sugar level is minimal. This stability in your blood sugar levels results in a feeling of satisfaction for longer periods of time. In other words, the low GE foods are more filling and won't cause more food cravings.


How could this affect your health? Less cravings means you will be eating less and thus consuming less calories. (Did I mention that most foods low on the GE have less calories, in addition to the other positive factors?) The obvious effect of consuming less calories is that over time, all other factors remaining constant, you will lose weight.


A scary thought is that it is predicted that 33% of children born in America today are expected to develop type two diabetes and that 50% of black and Hispanic children are expected to develop type two diabetes. This is due in part to obesity and poor eating habits and physical inactivity. Wow. Basically with a diet incorporating more lower-GE foods and some exercise, much of that could be avoided.


Another factor is nutrition. Foods today, even naturally grown, organic, unprocessed foods, do not contain the same levels of nutrients that they once did. Soil is depleted of natural fertilizers and so farmers are filling the soil with chemicals to force the crops to grow. The vegetables you eat may look healthy, but astoundingly enough the same serving of spinach that once contained over 50 milligrams of iron now contains less than 5 milligrams! To get the 400 IU's of vitamin E set forth by the FDA as the recommended daily allowance, you would have to eat 33 pounds of spinach. No wonder the AMA changed its' position on supplements -- specifically a daily multi-vitamin. In 2002 the AMA reversed it's long standing position and now recommends we take a multi-vitamin to help supplement what we get from food.

土壤的天然肥料枯竭,使農民必須用化學物迫使農作物生長。你吃的蔬菜看起來可能很健康,但是令人驚奇地的菠菜,一度鐵的含量超過 50毫克,現在卻少於5毫克!FDA(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)提出的建議,每日要攝取400國際單位的維生素 E,你要吃33斤菠菜。難怪AMA變其補充方式 - 特別是每日的多種維生素。在2002年AMA (American Medical Association, AMA)的逆轉它一貫的立場,建議攝取多種維生素來幫助我們從食物中得到補充。

I wandered off my main point of eating low glycemic foods, but sometimes the passion jumps in. If you have nay questions on the glycemic index or supplementation, please drop me an e-mail; I'd be happy to address any questions that come my way.

Diabetes.net is the most neutral site for information on the glycemic index, meaning they have an easily accessable database of basic foods and their GI. Here's the link:

Anything I can do to help you succeed, I will.
Robert Britt

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World Journal of Gastroenterology 到底是SCI吗?
2013/09/24 01:11

大地wxw wrote:
有一篇文章被 World Journal of Gastroenterology 接受了,但导师不同意被接受.

您的文章经同行评议后被录用, 将在16周内以印刷版和网络版同时在World Journal of Gastroenterology (ISSN 1007-9327, CN 14-1219/R)上出版. 网络版采用开放存取出版方式, 可以在线免费阅读全文.
> WJG被《中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)》, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch) and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Index Medicus, MEDLINE and PubMed, Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Abstracts Journals, Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology, CAB Abstracts and Global Health收录. WJG 2005年荣获第二届国家期刊奖百种重点期刊, 2005-2006年分别获得第四、五届中国百种杰出学术刊. WJG为周刊, 7、14、21、28日出版.

题名: ~~~~~
> 栏目: Rapid Communication
> 收稿日期: 2008-9-8
> 接受日期: 2008-11-6
> 审理费:160.00
> 彩色图印刷费:1760.00
> 语言制作费:780.00
> 出版费: 4800.00
> 共计:7500.00
> 截止日期: 2008-12-6

急! 请问:
1.World Journal of Gastroenterology 到底是SCI吗?分值是多少?
2. 栏目: Rapid Communication


關於World Journal of Gastroenterology被踢出SCI 由 torontowolf 於 2005-8-08, 22:33:59:
2013/09/24 00:43


《科學時報》 http://www.xys.org/forum/db/147/37.html

 美國科學資訊研究所的《期刊影響因數-網路版》(The Journal Citation Reports on the Web) 6月18日公佈了2003年度5907種來源期刊的影響因數。中國期刊影響因數較2002年再創新高。



風無痕(murphy201063) 於 2013-09-24 00:43 回覆:




近兩年連續排在中國期刊影響因數第一位的《世界胃腸病學雜誌》(World Journal of Gastroenterology),自1998年開始被SCI收錄。JCR 2000年度報告中,該刊影響因數為0.993,2001年為1.445在這兩年也均是中國期刊中影響因數較高者。該刊在SCI中歸屬"胃腸病學與肝臟病學"(Gastroenterology & Hepatology)類目,此類目2001年和2003年都是收錄47種專業期刊,該刊影響因數在這兩年中分別排在此類目第27位、第11位,可謂後起之秀。


《世界胃腸病學雜誌》等刊影響因數快速提升,除上述原因外,該刊編輯部的開放意識和網路技術幫了大忙。該刊在中國學術期刊中不僅建設了比較理想的期刊網站,還率先加入了美國國立醫學圖書館(National Library of Medicine,NLM)的PubMed系統,通過PubMed系統為讀者提供1998年以來的全文免費查閱和下載。隨後又加入了Free Medical Journals免費查閱網站和Directory of Open Access Journals免費查閱網站,利用這些重要的期刊免費開放平臺,廣泛向全世界開放,讓全世界同行不僅能檢索到,還能免費下載使用其全文。編輯部緊跟時代步伐的開放意識、利用網路技術的能力和服務作者、服務讀者的精神,為作者投稿、讀者查閱下載極大地提供了方便,同時也贏得了期刊聲譽、期刊顯示度和利用率的明顯提高。


注:由The Journal Citation Reports on the Web直接從"Peopls R China"檢索只有67種期刊。文中70種中國期刊是按我國通常採用的統計方法,計入了包含了由中國電子學會主辦的《電子學報》(Chinese Journal of Electronics)、由中國化學學會主辦的《高分子科學》(Chinese Journal of Polymer Science) 及《亞洲天然產品研究雜誌》(Journal of Asian Natural Products Research)3種在境外或國外出版的期刊。按67種期刊統計,其影響因數總值為38.022,平均值也為0.567。 (科學時報 2004-06-24趙基明)

Low GI Foods as Snacks
2012/01/23 23:36

When snacking, usually a small handful is sufficient to keep you going. Stay on track by making some healthy, low glycemic diet choices when you get the munchies.

Try these smart Low GI Foods as Snacks:
•    A small handful of mixed nuts
•    A small bowl of freshly popped popcorn
•    A few mixed grain crackers topped with ricotta cheese
•    Celery or a banana topped with natural peanut butter
•    Wholegrain pita chips topped with hummous
•    Baked corn chips with fresh salsa
•    Fresh or dried fruit
•    A hardboiled egg
•    Fresh cut vegetables
•    An oat bran muffin
•    Lentil dip with fresh carrot sticks, celery and cauliflower
•    Yoghurt topped with muesli
•    Banana smoothie
•    Trail mix made with dried fruit, nuts and seeds

Foods to avoid:
•    Sweets and lollies
•    Potato chips
•    Salted, roasted peanuts and other nuts
•    Pastries and cakes
•    Icecream
•    Biscuits and crackers

Just remember to keep some at the ready in your pantry, desk drawer, or handbag, so that you won’t be tempted by other less healthy options. And enjoy making up new options for healthy low gi snacks!

CLICK HERE to discover more about EVERYTHING LOW GI

Glycemic Index List of Foods
2012/01/23 23:29

Glycemic Index List of Foods
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What is Glycemic Index?
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A low glycemic index diet is one of the best ways to look after your health, and lose excess weight effectively and naturally. The weight reduced through a low GI diet approach is safe, and you won’t find yourself needing to starve on just carrots and lettuce! The glycemic index ranks the foods from 0–100 according to the speed at which they effect your blood sugar levels in the 2 or 3 hours after eating. In the glycemic index list of foods, the foods with a glycemic index value below 55 are low GI foods, foods ranking 55–70 are moderate GI foods, and foods with a GI value 70–100 are high GI foods.

風無痕(murphy201063) 於 2012-01-23 23:29 回覆:

High GI (70-100) Carbohydrates which break down quickly during digestion, releasing blood sugar rapidly into the bloodstream – causing marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Medium GI (56-69) Carbohydrates which break down moderately during digestion, releasing blood sugar moderately into the bloodstream.
Low GI (0-55) Carbohydrates which break down slowly during digestion, releasing blood sugar gradually into the bloodstream – keeping blood sugar levels steady … and so provide you with the best health benefits!
Low GI foods are often the ones with “good” carbohydrates, low fat, high dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. These foods help in keeping the blood sugar levels stable, are beneficial for sports persons, diabetics, people with coronary heart disease, those wanting to lose weight … and really just about everyone!

But … one word of warning … watch out for companies branding their products with “Low GI” labels. Just because a food is low GI, doesn’t necessarily make it a good food! Some foods may have a low GI, but may be high in “bad” fats, or are high in additives, flavourings, colourings, or preservatives. Always check the full ingredients list! … And also ensure that a large proportion of the foods that you eat are as minimally processed as possible!

When referring to any GI Food List, please remember that the numbers aren’t absolute and should serve as a guide only. The impact any particular food will have on your blood sugar levels on any given day will depend on many other factors such as ripeness, cooking time, product brand, fibre and fat content, time of day, blood insulin levels, and recent activity. Use the Glycemic Index as just one of the many tools you have available to improve your control.

Also check out Low GI Diet Tips to help make a low GI diet lifestyle easier to follow!

(CLICK HERE to return to HOME PAGE)


風無痕(murphy201063) 於 2012-01-23 23:33 回覆:
風無痕(murphy201063) 於 2012-01-23 23:35 回覆:
Low GI Snacks are different to low gi meals. They’re a great low glycemic diet aid to have on hand in-between meal times to prevent your blood sugar levels falling too low. However, do keep in mind that snacking can be the quickest way to undo all of your health, or weight related, efforts. A “snack” should always be a small snack! Definitely not another meal!

It’s also important to keep in mind that a late evening or midnight snack is not a good habit.  Remember too, that it’s best not to skip meals or allow yourself to feel overly hungry, as you’d be undoing your health-related and weight loss goals in the process. It only causes more spiking and plummeting of blood sugar levels, whereas we really need to be keeping those blood sugar levels steady.

Low GI Snacks
May 13, 2009 by admin  
Filed under Low GI Meals

Glycemic Index in Foods Determined?
2012/01/23 00:07

How is the Glycemic Index in Foods Determined?
The Glycemic Index uses pure glucose (or in some cases, white bread)as its control food and rates all other carbohydrates in relation to it

The control food or standard, either the glucose or the white bread, is given a rating of “100” and all other foods are tested as to
Is given a rating of “100” and all sugar, insuline and lipid levels compared to the standard.
How they affect a person’s blood sugar, insuline and lipid levels compared to the standard. Each tested food is given a number rating and defined as either “High”, “Medium” or “Low” on the Glycemic Index.

風無痕(murphy201063) 於 2012-01-23 00:07 回覆:

Foods fall into the High Glycemic Index when they are rated at 70 or above.

If the Glycemic Index for a food is at 55 or lower, it is considered to be a Low Glycemic Index food item

This means that Medium Glycemic Index foods are those that after being tested, fall into the range of 56 to 69.

The actual testing to determine a food’s Glycemic Index is very scientific and takes into consideration many test subjects who undergo multiple tests with the same food and with the control, that being glucose.

A test subject, after fasting for at least 12 hours will have their blood drawn and tested and then is given a specified amount of glucose, usually 50 grams

Their blood is drawn and the blood sugar levels are tested at several specified times throughout the rest of the testing period

This is to determine what the control level is in this individual
Many times, this exact same test of glucose is done two or three times in the same test subject in order to have a more exact result.

After all of the blood sugar levels have been determined, they are plotted on a graph, which shows the curve of how high the sugar levels rose and also how long they remained elevated

The next step is to take the same individual on another day, after another 12 hour fast and have them eat a sample of the food that will be tested

The amount in grams of carbohydrates in the test food must equal the grams of carbohydrates in the glucose control test

Depending on the item being tested, the amount of food that the test subject has to eat may be very little in the case of foods that are very dense in carbohydrates

On the other hand, the test subject may have to eat an enormous amount of a food that has very little carbohydrate in it in order to reach 50 grams of carbohydrates.

Let’s say that the test subject had to ingest pure glucose in the amount of 50 grams of carbohydrates,
If the food item being tested were a banana, the test subject would eat the equivalent of 50 grams of carbohydrates in banana
Then, theit blood would be drawn and tested at the same times as with the control test with the glucose

The results of their blood sugar levels would be entered on to the same graph as the glucose tests and the results would be compared.

These “banana” tests would be repeated over the next several days with the same test subject to ensure more reliable results

Now, imagine this same testing process with bananas being repeated over and over again with many different test subjects
This is the testing that is done for every food that has any type of carbohydrate or sugar in it

Thousands of tests have been done to determine the Glycemic Index value of every one.

Let’s get back to our “banana test” After all of the tests, both the glucose control tests and the specified food tests, have been completed the results are determined
The number for the glucose test is always set at 100 and the food that is being tested and compared to the glucose is graphed and measured up to how it affects the person’s blood sugar levels in relation to the glucose

It was found that banana affects a person’s blood sugar levels only 53% as much when compared to the levels that pure glucose affects them
Therefore, a banana is rated as 53 on the Glycemic Index, which puts it in the Medium range.
Does that mean that bananas are bad for you and should be avoided?
We will discover what the results of the Glycemic Index mean and how to easily incorporate them into your daily food choices in a later article
We’ll also look at the myth that all carbohydrates are bad for you and that they should be avoided at all cost in another article.