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To 後加動名词的解釋與例子 - 說文解字 35
2021/11/26 00:01:59瀏覽1227|回應2|推薦21

                     To 後用動名詞的解釋與例子

動名詞 gerund 與現在分詞 present participle (pp),兩者拼音完全相同,如何區別如何運用,有些母语是英文的人,也🈶️難題。下面容我試用例句解釋。

Seeing is believing. 兩者都是動名詞。

Swimming is my favorite exercise. 這個 Swimming 是動名詞。

The children are swimming in the pool. 這裡的swimming 是 PP. 

looking forward to seeing you. Looking 是 pp. seeing 是動名詞。

動名詞的作用,與名詞相同,可作為句孑中的主詞或受词。名詞是人地事物的名稱,動名詞意指行動或動作的觀念,不是指動作。現在分词可作為形容詞用, 動名詞則不然。

to  + 動名詞 = 對 to 某件事或觀念gerund 來說,一個人的心態或事物的本質如何如何,而不意謂何時會有什麼行動。這類句子中的 to 是介系詞,其後所接的字或片语,應該是名詞或動名詞,做為 to 的受詞。

很多人寫或說 Looking forward to see you. 這句中的 see 該用 seeing 的理由:與你會面,是一回事,不是動作,也就是說與你會見seeing you 這回事,正在期待著 looking forward。


Contribute to building a new society

Pleads not guilty to abusing animals 

Essential to solving the problem

Most people admit to keeping curiosity on their online reputation.

He is close to finishing his homework.

When it comes to finding his family root, he is willing to do everything he can.

The tips to dating a girl friend. 

Seven steps to feeling better when you are depressed.

He confessed to killing a dog.

The guide to getting ready for ordering goods online.

He confessed to pressuring his wife to lie for him.

 The police chief is devoted to  keeping the community he serves safe.

He has dedicated his whole life to serving the country.

Trump would certainly be open to using the military for political reasons as well," she said.

The mayor is devoted to helping the homeless people.

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2022/01/25 12:09

▲👍💖●想越久 (越正確) !! 歡迎有空來坐坐!!\^O^ 






Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
2021/12/05 23:59

您的例句和解釋都很好 ^_^

不定詞to的用法,有將做的意圖,在look forwards之後使用,成了混淆的陷阱。

通霄客(mrlee123) 於 2022-01-27 10:10 回覆:

多謝兄台來函進一步解釋 TO 後接動詞或動名詞 有些老美也陷入此陷井

有趣的是 不久前中華民國的外交部長吳釗燮向記者說:Taiwan is committed to defend itself. 不知他是口誤 還是這方面的英文 他欠缺了解