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美國出現的 3 例病患,應該都不是吃了美國牛肉所染病的。
2009/10/27 08:45:49瀏覽1151|回應0|推薦6

有關美國出現的 3 個感染牛海綿狀病變 (vCJD) 的病患,因為好奇,所以我就上網,查了一下相關的資料,想知道這 3 個人,到底是在哪裡感染的,後來又是怎麼了,結果卻有令人出乎意外的發現: 

美國自從20031223發現第一例狂牛症病患,到今天 (20091027),牛和人,總共出現過幾個病例? 答案是:牛例,人 3 例。 

這 3 個人,前兩個病例,可能是旅居在英國時,受到感染:(見美國疾病管制局CDC原文,如下:) 

Two of the three U.S. cases were likely exposed to the BSE agent while residing in the United Kingdom.


3 個病例,則是自幼就住在沙烏地阿拉伯,直到 2005 年底,才移民美國,極可能是小時候住在沙國時感染。(詳見美國疾管局原文,如下:) 

The third US patient with vCJD was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and has lived permanently in the United States since late 2005. The patient was most likely infected as a child when living in Saudi Arabia.


[結論]:看完美國的這 3 個有關人的病例,應該極有可能根本不是吃了美國牛肉所導致感染的。 如果這 3 個病患,根本不是吃了美國牛肉,才導致感染病毒的。那食用美國牛肉,就更安全了。 我不是替美國牛肉說話,我也不喜歡老美的霸道,但是人家就是專業,我只是希望藉由更多,更深入的了解,來還原真相和挖掘事實了。 因為我國太多的所謂專家,不是別具政治目的,刻意扭曲事實,就是畏首畏尾,不敢替政策辯論,再不就是一些唯恐天下不亂的政客,整天都說是為了民眾權益把關,其實說的都是似是而非的謬論歪理。看來不自力救濟,也不行了。



Have any cases of variant CJD (vCJD) been reported in the United States? (問: 美國是否有出現感染 牛海綿狀病變 (vCJD) 的病例報告?)

Yes, three cases of vCJD have been reported from the United States. By convention, variant CJD cases are ascribed to the country of initial symptom onset, regardless of where the exposure occurred. There is strong evidence that suggests that two of the three cases were exposed to the BSE agent in the United Kingdom and that the third was exposed while living in Saudi Arabia. 


The first patient was born in the United Kingdom in the late 1970's and lived there until a move to Florida in 1992. The patient had onset of symptoms in November 2001 and died in June of 2004. The patient never donated or received blood, plasma, or organs, never received human growth hormone, nor did the patient ever have major surgery other than having wisdom teeth extracted in 2001. Additionally, there was no family history of CJD. 


The second patient resided in Texas during 2001-2005. Symptoms began in early 2005 while the patient was in Texas. He then returned to the United Kingdom, where his illness progressed, and a diagnosis of variant CJD was made. The diagnosis was confirmed neuropathologically in early 2006 at the time of the patient's death. While living in the United States, the patient had no history of hospitalization, of having invasive medical procedures, or of donation or receipt of blood and blood products. The patient almost certainly acquired the disease in the United Kingdom. He was born in the United Kingdom and lived there throughout the defined period of risk (1980-1996) for human exposure to the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, commonly known as "mad cow" disease). His stay in the United States was too brief relative to what is known about the incubation period for variant CJD. 


The third patient was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and has lived in the United States since late 2005. The patient occasionally stayed in the United States for up to 3 months at a time since 2001 and there was a shorter visit in 1989. The patient's onset of symptoms occurred in Spring 2006. In late November 2006, the Clinical Prion Research Team at the University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center confirmed the vCJD clinical diagnosis by pathologic study of adenoid and brain biopsy tissues. The patient has no history of receipt of blood, a past neurosurgical procedure, or residing in or visiting countries of Europe. Based on the patient's history, the occurrence of a previously reported Saudi case of vCJD attributed to likely consumption of BSE-contaminated cattle products in Saudi Arabia, and the expected greater than 7 year incubation period for food-related vCJD, this U.S. case-patient was most likely infected from contaminated cattle products consumed as a child when living in Saudi Arabia (1). The patient has no history of donating blood and the public health investigation has identified no known risk of transmission to U.S. residents from this patient.

詳見美國疾病管制局 (CDC) 網站報告: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/vcjd/factsheet_nvcjd.htm




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