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2013/05/25 00:05:13瀏覽205|回應0|推薦0


據說菲律賓媒體今天問洪家: 「既然廣大興號沒有越界,為什麼看到公務船要逃跑?」

Philippine media asks"Why Taiwan fishing boat "Guang Da Xing No. 28" ran away as soon as seeing the Philippine maritime patrol boat "Maritime Control Surveillance 3001” approaching, if "Guang Da Xing No. 28" did not cross the line by illegally intruding the territory water of Philippine"


Let me help answer this simple question"For a long time, the Philippine maritime policemen have acted as the robbery group by capturing Taiwan fishing boats illegally for huge ransom. Since Taiwan fishing boats are unarmed, therefore, when coming across the Philippine maritime patrol PIRATE boats, no matter where their locations are, the only way they can do is nothing but RUN! RUN! RUN!" 


( 時事評論公共議題 )
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