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2009/03/28 07:04:01瀏覽1008|回應0|推薦18 | |||||||
名影評 Roger Ebert 在Chicago Sun-Times 的影評(Dec 8 2008),有篇評論The Reader(今年奧斯卡最佳影片)的文章,這是最后兩段,看完想起少年胡適在努力周報的一首新詩,兩個簡直一樣。於是試譯如下: Many of the critics of "The Reader" seem to believe it is all about Hanna's shameful secret. No, not her past as a Nazi guard. The earlier secret that she essentially became a guard to conceal. Others think the movie is an excuse for soft-core porn disguised as a sermon. Still others say it asks us to pity Hanna. Some complain we don't need yet another "Holocaust movie." None of them think the movie may have anything to say about them. I believe the movie may be demonstrating a fact of human nature: Most people, most of the time, all over the world, choose to go along. We vote with the tribe. 很多影評似乎以為整部戲是關于漢娜不可告人的秘密,不是!不是她《作納粹幫兇獄卒》這個秘密,是她自己另有難言之隱打死不說的秘密(yichun 按:女主角文盲不欲人知,但寫影評的行規是不能透漏電影的懸疑賣點,所以 Ebert 故意語焉不詳);另有人覺得那些文藝包裝只是替販售軟調色情找個名目,而板起臉撻伐,簡直像在教會做見證。還有另一個觀點,要我們同情漢娜;也有人在罵:納粹集中營的《猶太傷痕片》已經太多了!有必要再來一部么?他們沒有任何一個認為這部電影或有可能是關乎他們自己的。我認為這部電影揭露的是人性的真相。大部分人,在古往今來,在天南地北,選擇消極順應,選擇《不作為》,選擇睜一眼閉一眼,放任壞事繼續。因為群眾意志而稀釋個人犯罪感,渾水一塊兒淌! What would we have done during the rise of Hitler? If we had been Jews, we would have fled or been killed. But if we were one of the rest of the Germans? Can we guess, on the basis of how most white Americans, from the North and South, knew about racial discrimination but didn't go out on a limb to oppose it? Philip Roth's great novel The Plot Against America imagines a Nazi takeover here. It is painfully thought-provoking and probably not unfair. "The Reader" suggests that many people are like Michael and Hanna, and possess secrets that we would do shameful things to conceal. 在希特勒上臺時,我們會采取什么行動?如果我們是猶太人,要不逃走,要不被殺,但如果我們是普通德國國民之一呢?試想:如果我們是南北戰爭時一個白人,一個已經知道種族歧視是不義的白人,我們會有什么具體行動,站出來反對奴役?Philip Roth's 寫過一本偉大的小說《反美行動》(The Plot Against America)勾畫了一個輪廓:假設納粹占領的不是在歐洲而是就在這里,在美國……。這是個痛苦的想法,很挑釁但未必不公平。"The Reader這部電影推測我們大部分的人會跟邁克漢娜半斤八兩,有不欲人知的秘密,為了掩蓋這不可告人的秘密,我們會不擇手段。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 胡適的詩是: 這種日子是不會長久的, 這世上無不可為之事, 影評人也好,胡適也好,都不知道他們一不留神已經違反公務人員服務法,該送公懲會懲戒,sorry,懲戒缺乏時效,免職!*,郭冠英不妨陪馬英九一起去看看這部軟調色情片。(反正已經免職,無班好上了)
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